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Login Procedure

The new OpenCms login as following: 

Image Removed

Module Parameters

 The CASified OpenCms-LDAP module has the following parameters:



1. OpenCms is authenticated by CAS + LDAP.

2. OpenCms is authorized by CAS + LDAP.

3. Support OpenCms OU.

4. CAS will search  LDAP for groups and roles when validating, not authenticating.

5. Validation URI can be customised, not /serviceValidate only.

6. Easy to extend the module to support CAS + DATABASE.


Tested in Fedora 10, OpenJDK 1.6.0, Tomcat 5.5.27, OpenCms7.0.5, CAS3.3.1, OpenLDAP 2.4.12.

Login Procedure

Image Added

Module Parameters

 Module parameters for authentication handler:

Code Block

AuthenticationHandler: cn.langhua.opencms.ldap.cas.CmsCasAuthenticationHandler

AutoUserRoleName: not required. If you want the user can login OpenCms workplace by default, this parameter should be RoleWorkplaceUsers.

CasUrl: not required, default is https://localhost:8443/cas.

CasLoginUri: not required, the uri to CAS login, default is /login.

CasValidateUri: not required, the uri to CAS validate, default is /serviceValidate.

CasLenientURL: not required, if set, this url will be used to validate CAS ticket, default is null.

CasLogoutUri: not required, default is /logout.

 Module parameters for authorization handler:

Code Block

AuthenticationHandler: cn.langhua.opencms.ldap.cas.CmsCasAuthorizationHandler

GroupSearchDN: required, the group dn to resolve OpenCms OU. If not set, will use BaseDN.

RoleSearchDN: required, the role dn to resolve OpenCms role. If not set, will use BaseDN.

BaseDN: not required.

AutoUserRoleName: not required. If you want the user can login OpenCms workplace by default, this parameter should be RoleWorkplaceUsers.

CasUrl: not required, default is https://localhost:8443/cas.

CasValidateUriCasLoginUri: not required, the uri to CAS validatelogin, default is /validatelogin.

FilterCasValidateUri: not required, the filteruri to loginCAS LDAP servervalidate, default is (objectclass=*)/serviceValidate.

ScopeCasLenientURL: thenot scoperequired, toif search LDAPset, defaultthis isurl subwill whichbe meansused searchto subtreevalidate fromCAS theticket, BaseDN.default 
URL: the URL of the LDAP server, ldap://localhost:389is null.

UseCmsLoginWhenLDAPFailCasLogoutUri: When LDAP connection or login failednot required, whether using OpenCms login instead. Default value is true.

 You have to config your CAS server to use LDAP as the above parameters configed.

 How to validate service ticket

 I use CAS 1.0 protocal to validate service ticket in the login procedure.

Code Block

String ticket = CmsRequestUtil.getNotEmptyParameter(getRequest(), PARAM_TICKET);
        	CmsModule ldapModule = OpenCms.getModuleManager().getModule("cn.langhua.opencms.ldap");
        	if (ldapModule != null) {
        		String casUrl = ldapModule.getParameter("CasUrl", "https://localhost:8443/cas");
        		String loginUri = ldapModule.getParameter("CasLoginUri", "/login");
        		String validateUri = ldapModule.getParameter("CasValidateUri", "/validate");
        		String serviceUrl = getRequest().getRequestURL().toString();
        		String url = URLEncoder.encode(serviceUrl, "UTF-8");
        		if (ticket == null) {
  default is /logout.

Add a new validate servlet to CAS

Here I use /authzValidate as the new validate servlet uri for an example.

1. Add /authzValidate in $(cas_server)/WEB-INF/web.xml

Code Block

<!-- start service validate extensions -->
	<!-- end service validate extensions -->

2. Modify $(cas_server)/WEB-INF/cas-servlet.xml

Code Block

				<!-- start service validate extensions -->
				<!-- end service validate extensions -->
	<!-- start service validate extensions -->
	<bean id="authzValidateController" class="org.jasig.cas.web.ServiceValidateController"
		p:argumentExtractor-ref="casArgumentExtractor" />
	<!-- end service validate extensions -->

3. Modify $(cas_server)/WEB-INF/spring-configuration/applicationContext.xml

Code Block

<!-- CentralAuthorizationService, please note, this is authz -->
	<bean id="centralAuthorizationService" class="cn.langhua.cas.LDAPAuthzCASImpl"
         		getResponse().sendRedirect(casUrl + loginUri + "?service=" + url);
            	} else {
            		// there's a ticket, we should validate the ticket
            		URL validateURL = new URL(casUrl + validateUri + "?" + PARAM_TICKET + "=" + ticket + "&" + PARAM_SERVICE + "=" + url);
            		URLConnection conn = validateURL.openConnection();
        			InputStreamReader result = new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream(), "UTF-8");
        			BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(result);
        			String oneline = reader.readLine();
        			if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmpty(oneline) && oneline.equals("yes")) {
    					// the ticket is true
    					m_username = reader.readLine().trim();
    					m_password = "cas_login";
    					m_actionLogin = "true";
       				} else {
       					// the ticket is false, forward the request to cas login page
                		getResponse().sendRedirect(casUrl + loginUri + "?service=" + url);


 Please replace the /system/login/index.html with /system/modules/cn.langhua.opencms.ldap/login/index_cas.html, and then you'll use CAS login page to login your OpenCms.

Note: Your CAS server must have SSL configured properly or it will return an error. Also this version only works for 7.0.1 and only supports LDAP connection of no authentication.

Check the OpenCMS forums for details on integrating with 7.0.3 

How to get the module and the source code

 Download the module:

 The source code:;


		p:attributeRepository-ref="attributeRepository" />

4.Modify $(cas_server)/WEB-INF/deployerConfigContext.xml

Code Block

<bean id="attributeRepository"
		<property name="baseDN"
			value="o=langhua,c=cn" />
		<!-- This query is used to find the entry for populating attributes. {0} will be replaced by the new Principal ID extracted from the ldap-->
		<property name="query" value="(uid:caseExactmatch:={0})" />

		<property name="contextSource" ref="contextSource" />
		<property name="groupSearchDN" value="ou=users,ou=opencms,ou=applications,o=langhua,c=cn" />
		<property name="roleSearchDN" value="ou=roles,ou=opencms,ou=applications,o=langhua,c=cn" />
		<property name="authorType" value="member" />

		<property name="ldapAttributesToPortalAttributes">
				<!-- Mapping beetween LDAP entry's attributes (key) and Principal"s (value) -->
				<entry key="groups" value="groups" />
				<entry key="roles" value="roles" />
				<entry key="uid" value="uid" />
				<entry value="title" key="title"/>
				<entry key="cn" value="Name"/>
				<entry key="sn" value="sn"/>

5. Modify $(cas_server)/WEB-INF/view/jsp/protocol/2.0/casServiceValidationSuccess.jsp

Code Block

<%@ page session="false" pageEncoding="UTF-8"
%><%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""
%><%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fn"
%><cas:serviceResponse xmlns:cas=''>
 test="${fn:length(assertion.chainedAuthentications[fn:length(assertion.chainedAuthentications)-1].principal.attributes) > 0}">			<cas:attributes>
<c:forEach var="attr" items="${assertion.chainedAuthentications[fn:length(assertion.chainedAuthentications)-1].principal.attributes}"
	varStatus="loopStatus" begin="0" end="${fn:length(assertion.chainedAuthentications[fn:length(assertion.chainedAuthentications)-1].principal.attributes)}" step="1">
</c:forEach>				</cas:attributes>
<c:if test="${not empty pgtIou}">
<c:if test="${fn:length(assertion.chainedAuthentications) > 1}">
<c:forEach var="proxy" items="${assertion.chainedAuthentications}" varStatus="loopStatus" begin="0" end="${fn:length(assertion.chainedAuthentications)-2}" step="1">

6. Sample of /authzValidate response

Code Block

<cas:serviceResponse xmlns:cas=''>









How to get the module and the source code

The source code of cn.langhua.cas is here.

Source code of OpenCms-LDAP module:





Shi Yusen/Beijing Langhua Ltd.