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Development Roadmaps

Development plans are expressed in 6 month roadmaps solidified at the semi-annual developer meetings detailing:

  • planned features and scope for the next 6 months
  • task assignments & resource requests
  • longer term development goals

Initial Milestones & Status


Target Dates



Feb 06

Start with seed of core institutions and players
Rutgers, UW, VT, Yale, Texas Tech, Unicon, SCT, ESUP Portail, JA-SIG UK, Nagoya

in progress completed

March 06

Seed library with lists

in progress completed

Spring Dev Meeting

Follow up at uP developers meeting

  1. initial vision statement collection
  2. collection of core institution contributed requirements
  3. initial roadmap documenting developer meeting plans and commitments

in progress completed

May 06

Put out for community review before JA-SIG conference

  1. refined initial vision statement collection
  2. organized & filtered core institution contributed requirements


Summer uPortal Conference

Solicit contributions and feedback at JA-SIG 2006 Summer Conference

  • Keynote mention
  • Moderated discussion session
  • Gather feedback and items from BOF sessions


July 06

incorporate conference contributions and feedback

  1. vision statement collection incorporating conference contributions
  2. requirements library incorporating conference contributions


Fall Dev Meeting

use to build roadmap at Fall developers meeting


Winter JA-SIG Conference

Update requirements library and gather information on community priorities and needs/requests



  • Point of contact for collaboration, filters (or delegates) suggestions and comments
  • Coordinate activity (email lists, schedule conference calls, follow up on action items/deliverables)
  • Key player in the roadmap planning process, especially pre-developer meeting groundwork
  • Work with branch leads to incorporate roadmap items into specific release schedules
  • Moderate discussions, maintain agendas, track progress
  • Reports regularly to the JA-SIG Board on the state of uPortal development

Currently in this role: ~jayshao Jason Jason

Release Engineer

  • Incorporate road map items into branch-specific release schedules consistent with the Release Strategy
  • Coordinate development efforts related to implementing features/changes within a particular development line

Currently in this role: ~awp9 Andrew Petro on the uPortal 2 stream; ~edalquist Eric Dalquist on the uPortal 3 stream

Core Developers

Informal group of experts and leaders. Possible responsibilities include:

  • coordinate/maintain requirements and plans for a specific functional area
  • contribute expertise, advice, and code
  • represent significant stakeholders.

Documentation Coordinator


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Documentation Coordinator
Documentation Coordinator

uPortal Manual Coordinator


Community members expressing their wants and needs for a portal framework

  • Outline vision, requirements, and use cases
  • Provide resources (developer time, money, expertise)