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Comment: Repair Jira Macros

Released: 1X 21 August 2014

titleDownload the release

You can grab the binary releases, including a ready-to-start Quickstart release, from the GitHub release page.

TODO: make it actually true that you can there grab the releases!

titleSee also
titlePublicly Acknowledged Security Bugs Known to Affect uPortal 4.0.15

This macro will automatically display Security Bugs known to affect this release if any should be added to the project issue tracker in the future.

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA
jqlQueryproject = UP AND issuetype = "Security Bug" AND affectedVersion = 4.0.15 ORDER BY priority DESC


uPortal 4.0.15 GA Announcement

Apereo is proud to announce uPortal 4.0.15, continuing in our regular patch releases of uPortal 4.0.


About the vulnerabilities fixed in this release

uPortal 4.0.15 is a patch release of uPortal 4.0 cut to release a couple important security fixes and to ship some minor fixes that had accumulated in the 4.0-patches maintenance branch.  Prior to this release, uPortal CAS integration was bugged such that


You are not vulnerable to these specific issues if you are not using CAS as the mechanism for authenticating users to your uPortal.


About the other goodness in this release

uPortal 4.0.15 rolls back an introduction of an acceptAnyProxy configuration that had been introduced in the 4.0 line for 4.0.14. acceptAnyProxy tells the Java CAS Client to accept proxy tickets regardless of what application is proxying them. While this is convenient for demoing, it would be unfortunate for that configuration to inadvertently slip into production in any uPortal environments, and this change makes the out of the box configuration a little further from that.

The Attachments component of e.g. the SimpleContentPortlet had been inadvertently using a Hibernate-internal not-for-production-use connection pool. This release fixes that configuration.

This release turns on Travis-CI continuous integration testing for the uPortal 4.0-patches branch. This provides an additional safety net and feedback mechanism for uPortal product development on this maintenance branch and also provides you the adopter with a better starting point for using Travis-CI for continuous integration testing of your local uPortal implementation.

This release no longer looks for dependencies in remote Maven snapshot repositories it probably shouldn't have been using.



titleUpdating from uPortal 4.0.0 through 4.0.5

If you are upgrading from very old versions of uPortal 4.0:

If you have data you care about in the UP_LOGIN_EVENT_AGGREGATE table please back it up externally or rename the table before executing the following steps. db-update will drop this table.

After configuring your uPortal 4.0.14 source run:

  • ant db-update

But you're not on such an old version of uPortal 4.0, are you?




Downloads: (TODO: make this work) 

Release Notes: 
Maven Project Site: (TODO: make this work).


These developers Tim LevettAndrew Petro, and James Wennmacher (Deactivated) contributed commits to this release:

  • TODO: ack developers



Full Release Notes Generated from JIRA:

Release Notes - uPortal - Version 4.0.15

TODO: capture from JIRA.

Security Bugs Fixed

  • Something

Other Bugs fixed

  • Something else

Improvements Realized

  • Oodles

New Features Added

  • Lots

Stories Told

  • Around the campfire

Tasks Completed

  • gotta do em



-Andrew Petro


Deployer Notes

  • Requires Servlet API 2.5 to run. Tomcat 6.0 is the first version of Tomcat to support Servlet 2.5.  You probably actually want a recent Tomcat 7.
  • Requires JDK 1.6.0_26 or newer.  Oracle JDK 6 is ridiculously old, so you probably want JDK 7 instead, which will work.  JDK 8 will almost certainly also work, but wasn't the target version for this patch series.
  • Data export and import is required when upgrading from a version earlier than 4.0.0.  Login event aggregation data migration is required when upgrading from a version 4.0.0 to 4.0.5, see above.

Issues addressed in uPortal 4.0.15


Jira Legacy
serverJASIG Issue TrackerSystem JIRA
jqlQueryproject = UP AND fixVersion = "4.0.15" AND status in (Resolved, Closed) ORDER BY priority DESC

Bugs known to afflict uPortal 4.0.



(Note that this is only as good as the affects-version metadata on JIRA issues).

Jira Legacy
serverJASIG Issue TrackerSystem JIRA
jqlQueryproject = UP AND issuetype = Bug IN (Bug, "Security Bug") AND affectedVersion = 4.0.15 ORDER BY priority DESC