[06:05:32 CST(-0600)] * edalquist (n=dalquist@bohemia.doit.wisc.edu) has joined ##uportal
[08:43:57 CST(-0600)] <esm> morning
[08:46:36 CST(-0600)] <Tuomaz_> Whats the time for you?
[08:49:26 CST(-0600)] <esm> 9:47 AM; I'm UTC-5
[08:49:50 CST(-0600)] <esm> I sometimes forget there's people from all over in this channel
[08:57:09 CST(-0600)] <Tuomaz_> 15.55 here
[08:57:13 CST(-0600)] <Tuomaz_> GMT+1
[09:02:55 CST(-0600)] <esm> nice! almost time for you to go home
[09:03:20 CST(-0600)] <Tuomaz_> yes
[09:43:09 CST(-0600)] <lescour> utc-6
[10:09:00 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> morning all
[10:45:10 CST(-0600)] <esm> morning!
[10:58:09 CST(-0600)] <lescour> heya
[10:59:01 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> esm: I just checked out the mvn2 version of up3
[10:59:03 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> looking good
[11:06:04 CST(-0600)] <esm> EricDalquist : cool thanks! Keep feedback coming
[11:06:14 CST(-0600)] <esm> EricDalquist : I hope to check in some more stuff this evening
[11:06:24 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> I'll get into it more after I get the pluto1.1 integration done
[11:06:27 CST(-0600)] <esm> I'm trying to only commit stuff that will actually 'mvn install'
[11:06:30 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> so probably not until next week
[11:06:42 CST(-0600)] <esm> EricDalquist : no problem that gives me time to get it working smoothly
[11:07:07 CST(-0600)] <esm> i stubbed out the pluto 1.0.x classes
[11:10:19 CST(-0600)] <esm> fisheye seems to be unhappy again
[11:10:27 CST(-0600)] <esm> or it is just slow
[11:10:40 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> I'm not sure
[11:10:49 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> I think scott is going to be upgrading it soon
[11:11:16 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> all the staging of CAS and uP2 in SVN may be making things rough for it right now too
[11:11:30 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> since it has to scan and index the entire life of each project
[11:12:32 CST(-0600)] <esm> right - i can understand why it may be slow
[11:12:46 CST(-0600)] <esm> no worries
[11:14:50 CST(-0600)] <lescour> is there an expected move to svn?
[11:17:42 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> I believe so
[11:17:53 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> a test migration has been done
[11:18:04 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> I believe folks are working on documentation and such so everyone can find the new codebase
[11:18:12 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> but I'm not that involved with that side of it
[11:22:24 CST(-0600)] <lescour> what's the svn url for up3?
[11:23:38 CST(-0600)] <lescour> nvr mind..on the wiki
[11:23:45 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist>
[11:30:42 CST(-0600)] <esm> heh, i have an environment variable for svn endpoints in a dot file
[11:31:00 CST(-0600)] <esm> grepping out comments, blank lines, and export statments, I have 39 repository urls in there
[11:31:02 CST(-0600)] <esm> heh
[11:32:47 CST(-0600)] <lescour> i'm still getting used to svn. i'm a longtime perforce user
[11:33:14 CST(-0600)] <esm> i've never used perforce, just cvs. SVN is much nicer than cvs
[11:33:56 CST(-0600)] <lescour> yes. i don't care for cvs.
[12:01:01 CST(-0600)] <esm> i normally don't link spam, but this really funny
[12:01:03 CST(-0600)] <esm> http://movies.apple.com/movies/us/apple/getamac/apple-getamac-security_480x376.mov
[12:45:04 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> very funny
[12:59:36 CST(-0600)] <lescour> hmm...i'm using subclipse and i don't get the normal head/branches/version dialog trying to check out up3
[12:59:49 CST(-0600)] <lescour> only a folder view
[12:59:54 CST(-0600)] <lescour> should i grab trunk?
[13:00:31 CST(-0600)] <lescour> maybe i'm confusing that with the cvs checkout
[13:19:22 CST(-0600)] <esm> lescour: yes the h/b/v dialog is cvs specific
[13:20:24 CST(-0600)] <esm> svn itself does not distinguish a branch from trunk from a tag.
[13:40:18 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> is there an Java naming convention for generics?
[13:40:38 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> we have some generic objects that have enough different types that one char names would be hard
[13:40:53 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> but I'm not sure I want the generic type names to look like normal objects
[13:47:58 CST(-0600)] <lescour> aha....action/renderurl are broken in 2.4.x
[13:57:45 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> ?
[13:57:47 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> how so
[14:06:00 CST(-0600)] <lescour> there is a message on the mailling list. https://list.unm.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0510&L=JASIG-PORTAL&D=0&I=-3&P=31331
[14:06:33 CST(-0600)] <lescour> i was trying to deploy the TestingPortlets, specifically ActionStateSwitchPortlet
[14:07:05 CST(-0600)] <lescour> because i was seeing errors out of the unicon/academus url filter
[14:08:18 CST(-0600)] <lescour> and ActionStateSwitchPortlet makes 2.4.3 quickstart go nuts - can't start portal message
[14:09:08 CST(-0600)] <lescour> maximize portlet. click link in 1 column 2nd row
[14:33:33 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> are you using mod_jk or something similar?
[14:34:57 CST(-0600)] <lescour> i think that academus does. but this happens to the jasig quickstart, which is just tomcat
[14:35:41 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> strange, I know that URL format was abandoned for uP2.5
[14:35:56 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> but I'm not sure why it would be failing so hard in 2.4
[14:36:12 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> although if you're making heavy use of portlets 2.5 is really where you want to be
[14:36:20 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> there are a lot of portlet problems in 2.4
[14:36:26 CST(-0600)] <lescour> we are waiting for unicon to deliver the 2.5.x version
[14:36:31 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> ah right
[14:36:34 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> academus
[14:37:19 CST(-0600)] <lescour> although we have been kicking around the idea of going to the straight uportal
[14:42:29 CST(-0600)] <lescour> especially because we can now purchase paid support for it from unicon
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