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Distributed Layout Management (DLM)


What is DLM and where did it come from?
#Configuring Configuring_uPortal_to_Use_DLM
#DLM DLM_Guest_Fragment
#Introducing Introducing_dlm.xml
#Defining Defining_Fragments
#Defining Defining_Audiences
#Setting Setting_up_Fragment_Layouts
#Custom Custom_UI_Changes
#Future Future_Direction

additional guidances and best practices

What is DLM and where did it come from?

In uPortal, Layout Management refers to how the user interface seen by a user is generated and changed. In version 2.0, only Simple Layout Management, SLM, was available in the portal. All layout pieces like tabs, columns, and channels were owned by the user. There was little control available for an institution to control a user's layout. When Sungard SCT, then Campus Pipeline, adopted uPortal for their Luminis product they had to allow schools to choose how much or how little of the layout is locked in place. Furthermore, this should be modifiable at any time and such changes should then appear in the portal. The result was Distributed Layout Management or DLM which debuted in Luminis in 2002. 



Configuring uPortal to Use DLM

uPortal version 2.5 comes configured to use ALM by default. To convert between the different layout management approaches follow these simple steps.



DLM Guest Fragment

When you first configure the portal to use DLM, start up the web server, and go to the portal with a browser you will notice a new "Welcome" tab appears. Of the tabs in the login page, this one is unique. Most are part of the guest user's own layout. This tab isn't. In DLM terminology it is a fragment that was merged in by DLM. Traditionally, if you wanted to change what guests see you would set a password for the guest user, log in as guest, and change the layout. Not with DLM. To change the contents of this tab log in with the following user id and password:



Introducing dlm.xml

When DLM was developed, time was of the essence. A new user interface taylored to building fragments and a new database schema was too aggresive an undertaking for engineers new to the uPortal code base. Upon further investigation of the portal architecture and database schema it was determined that a derivative approach could be taken instead. In a derivative approach, existing, reliable pieces of the portal could be used to produce layout fragments to be pushed to users. Furthermore, there would be no database schema changes. Specifically, fragments would be obtained by using regular portal accounts to define what each fragment should look like. Such was and is the design of DLM. A configuration file, dlm.xml defines fragments, their audiences, and the special portal accounts used to set up their layouts. (See Future Direction on how dlm.xml will be replaced in the near future.)


The dlm.xml file is located in the properties directory. The top level element in dlm.xml is the <managedLayoutFragments> element. It includes the namespace declaration for DLM used to prefix all expected DLM property, fragment, and audience elements. This element appears as follows in dlm.xml.<managedLayoutFragments xmlns:dlm="http://org.jasig.portal.layout.dlm.config">
The only two supported child elements for managedLayoutFragments are <dlm:property> and <dlm:fragment>. Others may be included but they will be ignored. The <dlm:property> element has two required attributes, 'name' and 'value'. There are currently only two properties supported by DLM and if not defined, suitable defaults will be used as explained below.

The 'defaultLayoutOwner' Property

If defined the value of this property should be the user ID (ie: the log-in ID) of an account whose layout should be copied for all new fragment owners. When a fragment is defined in dlm.xml it includes an ownerID attribute. (See the related section on defining fragments.) Since fragments are layouts for special accounts then these accounts must have a layout. When regular users log in for the first time and have no layout, the portal gives them a copy of a default account's layout as declared in This default should not be used for fragment owner accounts since it will result in that entire layout being pushed to all users. The approach take by the default dlm.xml is to use a special account included in the portal. To change this account you can use the following credentials.


Warning: It is strongly recommended that you do not change this user account's layout. It is empty except for hidden content like the header and footer folders and their channels. The layout for this account including hidden but necessary content is copied whenever a new fragment owner is declared in dlm.xml. The layout for the owner account is created immediately after adding the fragment's declaration to dlm.xml and restarting the portal. These accounts should be empty until such time that the account can be accessed and the proper layout set up that should be pushed for that fragment.

The 'org.jasig.portal.layout.dlm.RDBMDistributedLayoutStore.fragment_cache_refresh' Property

For performance, DLM caches the layout for each defined fragment in memory. When layout owners modify the layout, those changes are pushed into the database and into the in-memory cache in the server handling the session for that account. If multiple servers are employed, the other servers will not see these changes made by the fragment owner. This property determines how often the cache of fragment layouts is reloaded to force such changes to appear in other servers. This does not include instantiating new fragments declared in dlm.xml. This only forces a reload of the fragments seen in dlm.xml when the servers were last restarted.


Defining Fragments

The <dlm:fragment> child element of the outer most managedLayoutFragments element is used to define a fragment. There is no restriction on the number of child <dlm:fragment> elements of managedLayoutFragments. The following sample is one of the fragments defined in the default dlm.xml file that comes with uPortal.


All elements defined and expected by DLM are prefixed with dlm indicating that they are part of the DLM namespace. The fragment element has a name attribute that should be unique for all fragments. This name is presented in the title bar of the portal when the owner of this fragment is logged in as shown below.

The 'ownerID' Attribute

Each fragment must declare an ownerID attribute. This is the log-in to use when logging in to edit the layout for this fragment. It is important that this account not exist prior to adding the fragment. When dlm.xml is modfied, the portal must be restarted for the configuration to be loaded. Upon loading, if that account already exists and has a layout it will immediately be pushed to users. If the account does not exist, then upon restarting the portal, DLM will create that account and populate its layout with a copy of the layout of the account specified with dlm.xml's defaultLayoutOwner property. That layout has no visible content. In this way this fragment does not push any content to users until the owner has time to set up the layout that should be pushed. Note: the md5passwd command line utility must still be used after restarting to set the password for the new account to allow a fragment maintainer to log in to that account and set up the layout:

Code Block
ant md5passwd -Dusername=guest-lo
The 'precedence' Attribute

Each fragment must also declare an integer precedence value. This value is used during merging of fragments to position elements contributed from different fragments. It is also used to determine that precedence elements can override a lower precedence, movement-restricted element forcing it to a less valueable real-estate location. For example, the default dlm.xml file defines three fragments:



Defining Audiences

Each <dlm:fragment> element can contain from zero to many <dlm:audience> elements. Each audience element defines a group of users who will receive that fragment. If a fragment has more than one audience element then the set of users that get that fragment is the union of all nested audience elements.

The 'evaluatorFactory' Attribute

The <dlm:audience> element has a single required attribute, evaluatorFactory. This attribute should have the fully qualified path name of a class which implements the org.jasig.portal.layout.dlm.EvaluatorFactory interface for aquiring an evaluator. The factory implementation should have a zero argument constructor and implement the only method in the interface:


The following evaluator factories are provided. All are found in the org.jasig.portal.layout.dlm.providers package.

The GuestUserEvaluatorFactory

This factory produces an evaluator that returns the value of IPerson.isGuest(). As such it does not use any configuration information within the audience element that declares it so the element can be empty. This factory is used in the version of dlm.xml included in the portal to push the Guest fragment to the guest user so that it shows on the log-in page.

<dlm:fragment name='Guests' ownerID='guest-lo' precedence='10'>
<dlm:audience evaluatorFactory='org.jasig.portal.layout.dlm.providers.GuestUserEvaluatorFactory'/>

The AllUsersEvaluatorFactory

This factory produces and evaluator that always returns true. This can be used to push a fragment to all portal users including the guest user. Like GuestUserEvaluatorFactory it requires no content within the audience element and hence the element can be empty.

The PersonEvaluatorFactory

This factory produces an evaluator configured as defined by required content nested within its declaring audience element. It supports a configuration syntax from which arbitrarily complex grants of the fragment can be made based on attributes found in the passed-in IPerson object. Specifically, it obtains attributes from the IPerson object using the getAttribute call. The following syntax elements are supported.<paren> ELEMENT


Code Block
<dlm:fragment name='Entertainment' ownerID='ent-lo' precedence='100'>
  <dlm:audience evaluatorFactory='org.jasig.portal.layout.dlm.providers.PersonEvaluatorFactory'>
    <paren mode="NOT">
      <attribute name="username" mode='equals' value='guest'/>
The GroupMembershipEvaluatorFactory

This factory returns an evaluator that can evaluate group memberships. Specifically, the returned class inherits from the evaluator provided by PersonEvaluatorFactory. This means that its syntax semantics are identical except for the <attribute> element. Its semantics are overwritten to support 2 modes (as of uP 2.5.1), memberOf and deepMemberOf. memberOf will test for membership of the named group only, whereas deepMemberOf will also test for membership in groups contained by the named group. The name attribute should contain the name of the group with matching case. The value attribute is not used. The News fragment in the default dlm.xml file in the portal uses this factory to push the news fragment to members of the Students group who are not also members of the Faculty group.



Setting up Fragment Layouts

Once a fragment is defined in dlm.xml, the server bounced, and the password configured for the new fragment owner account, a fragment maintainer can log into that account and set up the layout that should be used for that fragment. For this, an extended version of SimpleLayoutManagement's Preferences channel is provided and is the channel seen when using DLM and the Preferences link is selected. For non-fragment users they see that channel in the traditional manner. For fragment owner the preferences channel changes slightly to indicate the name of the fragment that is being edited as can be seen in the images below. Additionally, controls are added to the user interface to provide the ability to restrict what users of the fragment can do to fragment elements.


In the image below the typical controls for a tab are shown along with some DLM specific fragment-user-actions that can be restricted. By default all check boxes are selected and hence all actions are allowed by end users. As seen in the image, the "Useful News" tab in the News fragment's layout restricts movement by end users of the fragment. To modify any of these actions the appropriate checkbox should be checked or unchecked as needed and the "Set Actions" button pressed. Each of these actions that can be restricted for tabs is discussed below.


h5 Move Tab
If moving a tab is restricted by a fragment owner then users will not be able to move any of their personally-added tabs to the left of this tab. If any tabs exist in the user's layout that come from a fragment with lower precedence as declared in dlm.xml then the user will also be unable to move those tabs to the left of this tab. Tabs from a fragment with higher precedence can be moved by the end user to the left of this tab. If any of these lower precedence tabs or user-added tabs were moved to the left of this tab prior to it being marked as movement restricted then those tabs will be pushed to the right of this tab when the user next logs back in. To the end user the inability to move a lower precedence tab including those added by the user is depicted by the lack of the buttons allowing the user to move the tab to the left as seen in the image below.

Edit Properties

If editing tab properties is restricted by a fragment owner then users will not be able to rename that tab in their layout. If a user has previously renamed that tab and the fragment owner then marks the tab to prevent editing of properties then the next time that the user logs in that tab name change will be discarded and the name set by the fragment owner will reappear. When such a tab is restricted from editing the controls for renaming that tab are removed from the user's view when selecting that tab as shown in the image below. The "Real Entertainment" tab has editing of properties restricted as can be seen by the missing renaming elements when viewed by the student user.

Add Columns

If adding columns is restricted by a fragment owner then users will not be able to add columns to that tab in their layout. If a user has previously added columns to that tab and the fragment owner then marks the tab to prevent adding columns then the next time that the user logs in those user columns will be discarded. (There is currently no holding place to such discarded items. Such a holding place similar to the waste basket concept could be added if there was a pressing needed and a channel could be created to allow a user to restore those items to some other location in their layout.) When such a tab is restricted from adding columns the "Add Column" buttons are removed from the user's view when selecting that tab as shown in the image below. The "Useful News" tab has adding columns restricted as can be seen by the missing buttons in the spaces between and to the left and right of columns when viewed by the student user.

Delete Tab

If deleting the tab is restricted by a fragment owner then users will not be able to delete this tab from their layout. If a user has previously deleted this tab and the fragment owner then marks the tab to prevent deleting then the next time that the user logs in, that tab will reappear. When such a tab is restricted from being deleted the "Delete this tab" link is removed from the user interface for that tab when end users are editing their layout.


The action-restricting controls for columns are nearly identical to those of tabs as is their application.

Move Column

If moving a column is restricted by a fragment owner then users will not be able to move any columns that they have added to the tab to the left of this column assuming that the tab allowed them to add their own columns. If any user-added columns have were previously added to the left of this column and the fragment owner marked this column as movement restricted then those user added columns will be bumped to the right of this column the next time that the user logs in. Additionally, the buttons for moving those user added columns to the left of this column are removed from the user interface when a user is editing that tab in their layout.

Edit Properties

Restriction of column property editing is identical to restriction of tab property editing except that the only property that currently exists for columns is width. If editing column properties is restricted by a fragment owner then users will not be able to change the column's width. They can read it but they can't change it as shown in the image below. Note that only one of these columns is marked as being edit restricted.

Add Channels

If adding channels is restricted by a fragment owner then users will not be able to add channels to that column in their layout. If a user had previously added channels to that column and the fragment owner then marked the column to prevent adding channels then the next time that the user logs in those user added channels will be discarded. When such a column is restricted from adding channels, all "Add Channel" buttons are removed from the user's view of that column.

Delete Column

If deleting the column is restricted by a fragment owner then users will not be able to delete this column from their layout. Additionally, the user will not be able to delete the tab containing this column. When such a column is restricted from being deleted the "Delete this column" link is removed from the user interface for that column and the "Delete this tab" link is removed for its containing tab when end users are editing their layout.


The action-restricting controls for channels vary from those of columns and tabs in that only move and delete are restricted.

Move Channel

If moving a channel is restricted by a fragment owner then users will not be able to move any channels that they have added above this channel assuming that the column allowed them to add their own channels. If any channels were previously added above this channel and the fragment owner marked this channel as movement restricted then those user added channels will be bumped below this channel the next time that the user logs in. Additionally, the buttons for moving those user added channels above this channel are removed from the user interface when a user is editing the column containing that channel in their layout.

Delete Channel

If deleting a channel is restricted by a fragment owner then users will not be able to delete that channel from their layout. Additionally, the user will not be able to delete the containing column and tab. If any of these were previously removed by the user and the fragment owner then marked that channel as undeletable then the tab and all of its columns and channels would reappear the next time that the user logged in. When such a channel is restricted from being deleted the delete button for the channel is removed from the user interface when an end user is editing their layout. Additionally, the "Delete this column" link is removed from the user interface for that channel's containing column and the "Delete this tab" link is removed for its containing tab.


Custom UI Changes

As enhancements are worked on for DLM like Integrated Modes support there is often a need to add server side code to handle specific URL parameters to fulfill some function. Within layout managers in general the place where such code is typically placed is within the layout manager's
processLayoutparameters() method. Often, such changes are unique to the specific structure transformation that is in use. But within layout managers and the uPortal code in general there is no knowledge of specific structure transformation concepts like tabs and columns. The infrastructure knows only about folder objects containing other folder objects, to any depth, and leaf node objects known as channels. A structure transformation then takes this generic hierarchy and transforms it into its desired representation such as all top level folders being interpreted as tabs with the next level interpreted as columns containing a nested set of channels.

This internal model of hierarchical folders was done intentionally in the design of uPortal so that it could potentially be used with whatever structure was desired that could map into this underlying, flexible model. Hence code placed within org.jasig.portal.layout.dlm.DistributedLayoutManager's processLayoutparameters() method must accomodate this underlying model often making code much more complex than it otherwise would be if structural transformation concepts could be taken into consideration. Furthermore, such custom changes usually don't make sense to contributed back to the uPortal baseline code and hence will have to be added back in and recompiled each time that the portal is upgraded to the latest
version of the uPortal code.

Parameter Processing Pipe

Starting in uPortal 2.6 a configuration based, pluggable mechanism is available in DLM allowing an institution to plug in handlers that can act on query and post parameters included in an HTTP request. These handlers can also take part in altering the SAX event stream that represents the user's layout including adding, removing, or altering layout elements without affecting their canonical structure within the DistributedLayoutManager. This pluggable handler support is provided via what is known as the Parameter Processing Pipe. Conceptually, the location of the pipe is shown in the image below.

The uPortal user interface is generated by the class org.jasig.portal.UserInstance. As part of that processing UserInstance delegates to the plugged-in LayoutManager for processing layout parameters. Then it again delegates to have the layout pushed through UserInstance's rendering mechanism as a stream of SAX events. This event stream is what drives the structure and theme transformation. Both interactions pass through the Parameter Processing Pipe. Although shown in the image as being between UserInstance and DistributedLayoutManager the pipe is actually internal
to DistributedLayoutManager and is delegated to by the processLayoutParameters() and getUserLayout() methods.

Processor Interfaces

Plugging a handler in is accomplished by implementing at least one of two new interfaces as shown in the next figure. IParameterProcessor implementations can take part in the processLayoutParameters() call. ISaxProcessor implementations can take part in modifications to the SAX event stream. If a processor implements both interfaces then it can take part in both actions. Both processor types can be plugged-in as part of a set of fixed processors. This means that they are always there and always take part in every invocation of these calls.

Alternatively, processors can be included in a Map of optional processors with each processor being registered with a key that is unique among all registered optional processors. A single optional processor can be installed into the pipe and take part in both of these invocations until another HTTP request selects a different optional processor or removes the current optional processor. Alternatively, if an optional processor implements the IOptionalProcessor
interface then it can cause itself to be removed from being the currently selected optional processor when it has completed its processLayoutParameter tasks.

Optional Processor Selection

An optional processor is selected in an HTTP request by specifying a query or posted parameter of uP_dlmPrc=someKey. The key specified should match one of the registered optional processors. When such a parameter is seen the Parameter Processing Pipe installs that optional processor prior to handling the processLayoutParameters request. At the end of processing layout parameters
by delegating to processors the Pipe checks to see if the current optional processor implements the IOptionalProcessor interface. If it does and the processor indicates by the single method of that interface that it is finished then it is removed from being the currently
selected optional processor. Such a check is made each time that processLayoutParameters() is called.

If that processor does not implement the IOptionalProcessor interface then it will remain as the currently selected optional processor until another HTTP request includes another uP_dlmPrc
parameter. If the value of that parameter is an empty String then the optional processor is removed. If it contains another key then the new processor becomes the optional processor. However, it should be noted that these processor instances are not garbage collected. They remain cached in memory until the next time that processor is needed.

Plugging in Processors

The Parameter Processing Pipe is configured by modifying the properties/dlmContext.xml file. This file has the following structure. In the default configuration two fixed processors are included. Both processors, the ThemeParamInjector and RegularViewChannelRemover implement IParameterProcessor. The former acquires the user's name via IPeron's getFullName() method and injects it into the theme stylesheet as the userName parameter. The latter handes the requests that result when the delete button is pressed on a channel when viewing the portal in regular non-layout-editing mode.


Fixed processors are added by inserting additional bean declaration declarations as shown within the fixedProcessors list. On each bean declaration the class of the processor is specified as the value of the class attribute. Optional processors are added to the optionalProcessors map in a similar fashion by adding entries with the key attribute of the entry being the key for that processor and the class attribute of the nested bean element containing the class of the processor.

The value of the singleton attribute must be specified with care. A Parameter Processing Pipe is instantiated for each user and remains for the duration of that user's session. The specified set of processors are also instantiated. If a processor is thread safe meaning it does not contain any user specific information stored in instance variables then a single instance of that processor could be used in all pipes for all users. To do so the singleton attribute should be set
to true. If the processor is not thread safe and maintains user or state information then its singleton attribute should contain a value of false.

Sample Processors

There are two sample processors included with the Parameter Processing Pipe implementation code that can be plugged in to portray the flexibility and power had by processors. These sample processors are found in the following two classes.



Future Direction

The initial release of DLM in uPortal 2.5.0 is DLM as it is used in Sungard SCT's Luminis product since 2002. For uPortal 2.6.0 focus will be placed on the following areas to enhance DLM. The information provided here represents the items that are anticipated to be for 2.6.0. Additionally, this information represents some intended designs. Such may change as implementation proceeds or requirements are clarified based in experience with the new pieces. If you have suggestions or questions on these items please share them on the uPortal email lists.

Fragment Manager

The dlm.xml file is being replaced with a Fragment Manager channel allowing fragments to be defined via the portal user interface. A mock-up of this fragment manager is as shown below. Most items currently configured using the dlm.xml file are visible. For example, precedence is a point value for fragments but even when two fragments are given an equal precedence, DLM then drops back to the ordering in dlm.xml with the first fragment of these two encountered during loading interpreted as having the higher precedence. So ultimately, there is no such thing as equal precedence in DLM. One fragment has greater or lesser precedence than any other fragment. This is depicted within the Fragment Manager by the ordering of fragments from top to bottom. Up and down buttons in the Precedence column enable an administrator with proper permissions to adjust the precedences of fragments.

Image Removed

The name of each fragment corresponds to the "name" attribute of the <dlm:fragment> element. The magnifying glass button to the right of the Precedence column allows a user with proper permission to view and edit the layout of a fragment. Each fragment's layout will be protected by a layout editing permission. If a user is granted that permission then they will be able to use the fragment manager but will only see those fragments for which they have permissionwas the version of DLM released in all Sungard SCT Luminis product versions released from 2002 through 2006. This is referred to as DLM 1.0. Luminis IV released in 2007 and incorporated many new features including the parameter pipeline, a Fragment Manager channel that replaces dlm.xml, subscribe-able fragments and a channel to manage subscriptions, and support for delegation of fragment administrative tasks. This version of DLM is referred to as DLM 2.0. Although the processor pipe feature is included in uPortal 2.6.0, more work is needed to roll the remaining new features from the snapshot repository area into the 2.x baseline to bring it fully up to the DLM 2.0 level. If you have suggestions or questions on these items or would like to assist in that effort please share you thought on the uPortal email lists.

Fragment Manager

In DLM 2.0 dlm.xml file is no longer used. It is replaced with the Fragment Manager channel as seen running in Luminis IV in the image below. The set of configured fragments is persisted in the uPortal database. The uPortal entity cache is used to convey to other servers in a cluster that fragments have changed and should be loaded. Such changes include not only fragment definition changes but also fragment layout changes and published channel changes where such channels are found in the layouts of one or more fragments. Most items currently configured using the dlm.xml file are visible. For example, precedence is clearly indicated by order in the list. Fragments at the top have highest precedence. The arrow buttons allow for increasing or decreasing precedence in a very straightforward manner. A new feature in DLM 2.0 is depicted by the green lamp indicator next to most of the fragments. Each fragment can be enabled or disabled at any time. Such functionality was only possible in DLM 1.0 by removing the definition from dlm.xml.

Image Added

The name of each fragment corresponds to the "name" attribute of the <dlm:fragment> element. The delete button is for deleting a fragment. The edit button immediately to the left of the fragment name delete button allows an administrator to change the name and type of the fragment. DLM does not currently support "pulled" fragments, fragments that users can subscribe to. As can be seen this capability will be added. Both pushed and pulled fragments will be shown Note that both pushed and subscribed fragments appear in the same view in the Fragment Manager. This is important since each type can restrict movement of tabs and hence those tabs may be competing for location in a user's layout. The ordering here with respect to each other clearly shows which will have greater precedence when competing in a user's layout.

The edit button to the right of the Type column will delegate over to a new channel being created as part of the permissions effort also under way for 2.6.0. Note the complex boolean expressions based on both user attributes and group membership constructs. Such will be the anticipated capability of the new permissions functionality. It is also anticipated that there will be a direct migration path for the constructs currently supported in dlm.xml by the currently defined set of evaluator factories.

Subscribe Fragments

As noted in the mock view of the Fragment Manager, subscribed fragment support will be added. The audience specified for subscribed fragments is the set of users who will have that fragment show up in the list of fragments that they can subscribe to from within their preferences area via a new link added for that purpose. The list of available fragments will be provided by a new channel that is brought into focus mode by selecting that link. Once a fragment is selected the focus will return to the preferences area and that fragment's tabs will be included at that timeother clearly shows which will have greater precedence when competing in a user's layout.

The audience selected for each fragment is shown to the right the fragment. Note the complex boolean expressions based on both user attributes and group membership constructs. The exhibited expressions were created from a special Permissions Management infrastructure that is not slated to be contributed back to the uPortal codebase. So some work is needed to exchange that for support of the evaluation factories from DLM 1.0. Such functionality will then provide a straightforward migration path for DLM 1.0 installations to the DLM 2.0 version.


Attached to this page is a tool that can be useful for developers who are enhancing DLM or the uPortal user interface in general. DLM adds specific attributes to various pieces of a user's layout to keep track of certain characteristics: is this element part of a fragment, what is the fragment's precedence, what restrictions have been placed on this element, and so on. Additionally, when a user's layout is persisted only their owned portions and any changes to fragment elements are persisted. Changes to fragments are persisted via custom DLM elements in the layout known as directives. Hence the user's layout as viewed in the portal is a result of merging their personal or persisted layout fragment or PLF with the fragments that are to be integrated when they log in. As such the viewed layout is known as the incorporated or integrated layout fragment or ILF.
