[11:40:46 CDT(-0500)] <JasonElwood> Paul- ok to rebuild Linux CI?
[11:51:50 CDT(-0500)] <pspaude1> Yes
[13:52:02 CDT(-0500)] <pspaude1> Jason, I'm finished with SSP-496 and will be able to move onto SSP-1492. As I was looking at SSP-1492, I believe I'm a bit farther than I thought. But, if you want to move it let me know. Thanks.
[13:52:07 CDT(-0500)] <GregElliott1> JasonElwood I had another q form SPC related to a student's StudentHistoryReprt and appears that EA responses weren't showing on that report.
[13:53:00 CDT(-0500)] <GregElliott1> I see the data when I'm looking at EA tool, but in teh earlyAlertHistory_subreport, it doesn't appear to have a spot where it'll iterate over any responses on a per-EA basis. Just wanted to be clear on how it's supposed to work.
[13:53:05 CDT(-0500)] <JasonElwood> go ahead and finish it. thanks
[14:00:28 CDT(-0500)] <JasonElwood> The report design was to only show the early and status, not every response
[14:01:15 CDT(-0500)] <GregElliott1> gotcha. then working as designed.
[14:01:27 CDT(-0500)] <JasonElwood> yep