2. Perform Maven2 builds:
cd cas-client-3.1.10
mvn package install
cd ../cas-server-
[to enable authenticate against LDAP connections: add a "cas-server-support-ldap" dependency in cas-server-webapp/pom.xml]
mvn package install
5. Link the eclipse project to the maven repositoriesyour local svn directory
In the WebContent directory, delete the generated WEB-INF subdirectory
In the WebContent directory, create the following symbolic links to the CAS source in the your local svn repository directory:
ln -s <for each path to maven src listed below>
In the CASWebappProject src directory, create a symbolic link to the maven svn source packages:
Copy the POM dependencies from Maven "target" into the web project library:
cd into the WEB-INF directory
cp -R ..cas-server- .
In Eclipse, use the "New Server" wizard to create a new "Server" project.
Add the CASWebappProject to the server configuration
Modify the WEB-INF/classes/log4j.xml so the the cas.log and perfStats.log file paths map to a permissible location
In the CASWebappProject project, add the other projects to the build path
7. Source code changes you make in eclipse will be reflected in the maven repositoryyour local svn directory