[06:49:32 CDT(-0500)] <chilversc_> so these instructions seem to be out of date compared to the link to the bugtracker for phpCAS https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASC/Developing+phpCAS
[06:50:43 CDT(-0500)] <chilversc_> ah, nm, I didn't see the link to the bugtracker further down that page
[06:51:23 CDT(-0500)] <chilversc_> though its confusing having 2 different bug trackers, as the help wanted block points to github https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASC/phpCAS
[06:52:19 CDT(-0500)] <chilversc_> oh wait, the developing phpcas page also links to github, rather than jira, so yeah, where does one now get a bug id from?