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uPortal 2.5.x

Release Engineering: ~awp9 Andrew Petro


uPortal 2.5.x is the current mature, production branch of the uPortal Framework. This release is undergoing active maintenance and is recommended for production deployment. The focus of development on this branch is improvements in performance, stability, and incorporation of backwards-compatible features consistent with the Release Strategy.


Work Item


Person Directory Externalization
Encapsulation of the Person Directory infrastructure into a separate project to improve modulatity in the uP 2.x code base, and enable sharing of this component between uP 2.x & 3.x

~edalquist Eric Dalquist (UW-Madison)

WSRP Consumer Functionality
Enhanced ability to consume WSRP provided services.  Initial work is focused on integrating Peoplesoft functionality utilizing included WSRP support. Jameson Watkins (KUMC) & Jonathan Markow (JA-SIG)

Performance Validation & Enhancements

Columbia, ~dmindler Dan Mindler & ~faizan Faizan Ahmed (Rutgers)

Stability Validation & Enhancement

Columbia,~dmindler Dan Mindler & ~faizan Faizan Ahmed (Rutgers)

XHTML Theme & CSS-based Skin Templates
Valid XHTML theme to reduce page download size and ease local customization by separating structure & presentation

~jayshao Jason Jason (Rutgers)

Layout Publishing Tools
Tools for programatically publishing a layout for a given user/group of users.


SLM -> DLM Migration Tools
Tools to migrate existing customized user layouts from one layout manager to another.  May eventually support any layout implementation, though initial work will focus on SLM -> DLM conversion.


Misc improvements from Academus
Changes to uPortal itself produced for Academus will be available for inclusion in uPortal.

Unicon Andrew Petro


Work items which may be desired, but which currently have no resources allocated for implementation within the next six months.

Work Item


UW Webproxy Portlet
UW Does not have resources to complete separating out their local modifications to the Webproxy portlet to enable it to run in a stock uPortal environment, but would be able to volunteer assistance & guidance if someone else was able to commit to doing so.


uPortal 2.6 (tentative)

Release Engineering:


Planned Work

Work Item


i18n Framework Improvements (Sunguard HE Framework support for internationalized messages. Includes i18n framework & channel support, message externalization.

Jan Nielsen (Sunguard HE)

Make DLM the Default Layout Manager
Data.xml and portal properties will be modified to specify DLM as the default layout manager to showcase the codebase and communicate it's status as the preferred layout management approach for new installations

Jason Jason (Rutgers)

DLM Fragment Manager ~mboyd
GUI tool for configuring and specifiying DLM fragments and permissions

Mark Boyd (Sunguard HE)

DLM Integrated Modes Support
Support ~mboyd for in-line customization of a user's layout under DLM

Mark Boyd (Sunguard HE)

Misc improvements from Academus
Changes to uPortal itself produced for Academus will be available for inclusion in uPortal. Changes that cannot be accomodated in a backwards compatible way are available for inclusion in 2.6

Unicon Andrew Petro


Work items which may be desired, but which currently have no resources allocated for implementation within the next six months.


uPortal 3.x (sandbox)

Release Engineering: ~edalquist Eric Dalquist


uPortal 3.x is an independent development branch currently located in the JA-SIG sandbox. It represents a complete re-architecture of the uPortal framework. While it is expected to encompass most of the featureset of uPortal 2.x, it is a separate codebase, and work items listed above do not apply to uP 3.x. This release is incomplete, undergoing active development, and may change at any time. It is NOT recommended for production deployment at this time. While a migration path from uPortal 2.x is a high-priority work item for the uP 3.x project, backwards compatibility is NOT guaranteed, and significant work may be required to migrate existing installations.

Planned Work

Work Item


Improved Portlet Specification (JSR-168) Support ~edalquist
Improvemed compliance with the portlet specification and support for Portlet features

Eric Dalquist (UW-Madison)

DLM Integration
Integration of the Distributed Layout Manager (DLM) into the uPortal 3 codebase to provide for pushed/pulled fragments, and enhanced layout publishing and permissioning

TBD (SCT & Unicon)

Enhanced UI & Interaction Behavior ~bcollierjones
Theme and management work to enhance and refine user interaction with uPortal

B. Collier Jones (UMBC)


Work items which may be desired, but which currently have no resources allocated for implementation within the next six months.
