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MySQL is a free, open source database, available for download at (more information can also be found at - also at this address, the JDBC driver for MySQL, Connector/J, can be downloaded. The Generally Available (GA) release is usually what is desired - it is best to use this instead of the Beta versions. As of this writing (5/23/05), the latest GA version of the database is 4.1.12 and is available for Windows, Mac OSX, Unix (Solaris), most flavors of Linux, and HP-UX, to name a few. The latest GA Connector/J in the 3.1 family is 3.1.8a14, available in a .zip and a .tar.gz. For information on how to create a database in MySQL or create the tables, you will need to refer to the documentation that came with the version of MySQL you have decided to use. There are links to MySQL documentation as well on the above site.

MySQL Configuration

Table Type

There are a few options that should be set in MySQL, typically in either my.cnf (/etc/my.cnf on Unix) though there are other options such as startup flags, etc.


InnoDB tables are highly recommended - uPortal relies on database transactional support, in MySQL this typically means InnoDB.

This is *NOT* the default

uPortal relies on database transactional support, which in MySQL is dependent upon the underlying storage engine (per-table). The default (MyISAM) is not transaction safe. The most common transactional table type on MySQL is InnoDB.

Assuming you've got the needed statements for InnoDB tables in your my.cnf file, you can change already-created MyISAM tables to Innodb tables with an ALTER TABLE statement - see the documentation for the exact syntax. Or, you can drop all your tables and re-create them with "TYPE=InnoDB" on your CREATE TABLE statements. If you're not sure about using TST (Transaction Safe Tables), do some reading on the MySQL site ( about some of the companies and organizations that are currently using them - for instance, uses MySQL InnoDB tables to handle their more than 100,000 hits per week.


MySQL table names are case-sensitive depending on the filesystem of the server. e.g. insensitive on Windows & Mac HFS+, Case sensitive on Unix. To prevent issues when moving between platforms it is recommended that you set:mysqld

Code Block




If you


have already created your database, and plan to change the lower_case_table_names system variable to 1 on Unix, you must first convert your old database and table names to lowercase before restarting mysqld with the new variable setting.


Another thing that is really needed to use MySQL with uPortal effectively is to index your tables - this way, uPortal queries will have to scan fewer records and set fewer locks - and this can speed up authentication into the portal tremendously. UP_USER, UP_USER_ATTS, ans UP_USER_PARM need to be indexed with a primary key - check out the documentation for your version of MySQL for the exact syntax.

Query Cache

You may be much better performance by enabling the MySQL query cache.

uPortal Configuration

Before using MySQL with uPortal, several uPortal properties files need to be altered for MySQL. These include:


When the MySQL tables are created, they will be the MySQL default type - as of this writing (5/23/05), that's MyISAM. These tables are NOT transaction safe, which means that if an error occurs, like a communications/network error, the tables cannot be rolled back to their previous state. There are places in the uPortal code where if such a problem occurs, the transaction is programmed to roll back to its previous state - but if the tables cannot accomodate this, an error about not being able to roll back the tables will be entered into portal.log, and the account will be unusable after that point. To avoid this, use transaction safe tables, which MySQL provides support for, in terms of either BDB (Berkeley database) or InnoDB tables. As of 4.0.5, support for InnoDB tables is included with MySQL; previous to that, it was an extra download.


Assuming you've got the needed statements for InnoDB tables in your my.cnf file, you can change already-created MyISAM tables to Innodb tables with an ALTER TABLE statement - see the documentation for the exact syntax. Or, you can drop all your tables and re-create them with "TYPE=InnoDB" on your CREATE TABLE statements. If you're not sure about using TST (Transaction Safe Tables), do some reading on the MySQL site ( about some of the companies and organizations that are currently using them - for instance, uses MySQL InnoDB tables to handle their more than 100,000 hits per week.


Deadlock troubleshooting

One thing that will most likely come up in working with uPortal and MySQL (or any database for that matter) is the issue of deadlocks - when a record is needed to be accessed by two different queries at the same time. The MySQL site has an EXCELLENT chapter on dealing with these. Overall, the on-line reference guide for MySQL is an EXCELLENT resource.


i) Make sure that mysql-connector-java-5.0.6-bin.jar is in server.home\common\lib
ii) Make sure that server.home\common\endorsed has serializer.jar and xalan-2.7.0.jar only.
iii) Make sure that server.home\shared\lib has pluto-1.0.1.jar and NOT pluto-1.0.1-rc2.jar.

MySQL Basics - A Helpful MySQL Tutorial(