CAS account management module
A sub/sister project for CAS 3.
Extensions to the JA-SIG Central Authentication Service in support of integrated account management, including account creation, password creation, password reset, and administrative account blocking.
This project intends to provide extensions to the CAS server in a coding style and implementation stack similar or identical to core CAS server. This allows the core CAS server project to retain its focus on pure Authentication and being web SSO / Authentication service (helps stave off scope creep in the core project) while providing productized ready to rock and roll implementations of the next layer of commonly requested features. Providing these features makes CAS more marketable and viable as a WEB SSO solution (enhances the bullet list of features) while avoiding scope creep in the core project to go after that longer bullet list of features. Ideally, everybody wins: CAS can be marketed as even more of a one-stop-shop solution for your institution's SSO needs, while it remains the lean mean powerful SSO solution without creeping to do account management, authz, attributes, etc.
In order for this project to succeed, we need interested parties willing to submit, validate, and own use cases, we need developers interested in developing, tracking, QAing, testing, etc., code, we need user experience designers interested in giving this a good feel out of the box demonstrating its potential and delivering real value to CAS deployers by providing something usable out of the box, and we need release engineers interested in weaving this together into a JA-SIG quality product.
Who's in? Do we have the interest to make this happen?
Anticipated deliverables:
Sourcecode with additional Spring WebFlows actions, JSPs, documentation on how to make it go. A quickstart release of CAS 3 server with these extensions applied demonstrating the functionality. Enhancements to the JA-SIG-deployed CAS3 server to make use of these extensionsWiking for this project is now in its own confluence space.