Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Open uportal-war/src/main/resources/properties/contexts/personDirectoryContext.xml

  • Edit the mergedPersonAttributeDao bean definition to add uPortalLdapAttributeSource under personAttributeDaos:

    Code Block
      <bean id="mergedPersonAttributeDao"
                    <property name="usernameAttributeProvider" ref="usernameAttributeProvider" />
          <property name="cacheNullResults" value="true" />
          <property name="mergeruserInfoCache">
              <bean class="org.jasig.portal.utils.cache.MapCacheFactoryBean">
                <bean  <property name="cacheFactory" ref="cacheFactory" />
                  <property             class=name="cacheName" value="" />
          <property name="cacheKeyGenerator" ref="userAttributeCacheKeyGenerator" />
          <property name="personAttributeDaoscachedPersonAttributesDao" >
              <bean class="">
                <list>  <property name="merger">
                      <!-- This is a "first one wins" strategy. I.e. the first value found for
                      any given result attribute will be assigned to the user. Different values
    <!--                  found in subsequently queried attribute sources will be ignored. Suitable
                 <ref bean="cachinguPortalJdbcAttributeSource"/>  					<ref bean="cachinguPortalJdbcUserSource"/>  if uP-local attributes should always take precedence. Other
                      options (all in the  -->same package):
                          MultivaluedAttributeMerger - Collects values from all DAOs into lists <ref bean="uPortalAccountUserSource" />(does not
                            filter out duplicate values, though)
           <ref bean="uPortalJdbcUserSource" />             ReplacingAttributeAdder - "Last one wins" strategy. I.e. the opposite of
              <ref bean="uPortalLdapAttributeSource"/>             NoncollidingAttributeAdder.
               </list>       -->
             </property>         </bean>
    Next, add the LDAP attribute source bean definition to the same file.
    <bean class="" />
                  <property name="usernameAttributeProvider" ref="usernameAttributeProvider" />
                  <property name="personAttributeDaos">
                          <!-- Provides a single attribute (but only for the current logged in user):  impersonating='true'|'false' -->
                          <bean class="org.jasig.portal.persondir.ImpersonationStatusPersonAttributeDao" />
                          <bean class="">
                              <property name="usernameAttributeProvider" ref="usernameAttributeProvider" />
                              <property name="personAttributeDaos">
                                      <ref bean="uPortalAccountUserSource" />
                                      <ref bean="uPortalJdbcUserSource" />
                          Don't add more sources to the CascadingPersonAttributeDao.personAttributeDaos
                          list above unless you're adding "special" DAOs tasked with augmenting/transforming
                          the attributes generated by uP-local DAOs. (CascadingPersonAttributeDao takes
                          the results from the first-DAO, transforms them into a query, and passes that
                          query to each subsequent DAO. I.e. subsequent DAOs in the cascade list will
                          *not* be given a chance to process the original query. But they will if you add
                          them directly to the MergingPersonAttributeDaoImpl.personAttributeDaos list here.)
                          <!-- Add your LDAP Attribute source here.  <ref bean="uPortalLdapAttributeSource"/> -->
  • Next, add the LDAP attribute source bean definition to the same file. This is where you put your baseDN.


    Code Block
        <!-- Where non-local attribute DAOs go -->
        <!-- Enter the mapping between 'internal' names (keys) and set of one or more LDAP attribute names (values). -->
        <bean id="uPortalLdapAttributeSource" class="">
            <property name="contextSource" ref="defaultLdapContext" />
            <!--  Enter all keys that you want users to search with in the Directory Search portlet or portal
                  search capability. This should contain values from list directoryQueryAttributes in properties/contexts/userContext.xml.
    	      Key is internal name, value is ldap attribute name.
     	<property name="queryAttributeMapping">
    			  <entry key="username" value="uid" /><!-- should match the uid attribute in your directory;  e.g. sAMAccountName for Active Directory. -->
    			  <entry key="cn"  value="cn" />
    			  <entry key="givenName" value="givenName"/>
                              <entry key="sn" value="sn" />
    			  <entry key="mail" value="mail" />
            <property name="queryType" value="OR"/>
            <!-- key is ldap attribute name, values are internal names. -->
    		<property name="resultAttributeMapping">
                            <entry key="eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation">
                            <entry key="eduPersonAffiliation">
                            <entry key="eduPersonNickname">
                            <entry key="eduPersonOrgDN">
                            <entry key="eduPersonOrgUnitDN">
                            <entry key="eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation">
                            <entry key="eduPersonPrincipalName">
                            <entry key="c">
                            <entry key="cn">
                            <entry key="description">
                            <entry key="displayName">
                            <entry key="facsimileTelephoneNumber">
                            <entry key="givenName">
                            <entry key="homePhone">
                            <entry key="homePostalAddress">
                            <entry key="initials">
                            <entry key="jpegPhoto">
                            <entry key="l">
                            <entry key="labeledURI">
                            <entry key="mail">
                            <entry key="mobile">
                            <entry key="o">
                            <entry key="ou">
                            <entry key="pager">
                            <entry key="postalAddress">
                            <entry key="postalCode">
                            <entry key="postOfficeBox">
                            <entry key="preferredLanguage">
                            <entry key="seeAlso">
                            <entry key="sn">
                            <entry key="st">
                            <entry key="street">
                            <entry key="telephoneNumber">
                            <entry key="uid">
    	          <entry key="uid">                 <value>username</value> <!-- UP-4185 populate username in case user hasn't logged in  <value>uid</value>
    yet -->
    	                            <value></value>  <!-- UP-4177 LDAP needs to fill in -->
                            <entry key="userCertificate">
                            <entry key="userSMIMECertificate">
  • You may need to update the available attributes and query to match your server. Connections to Active Directory servers will most likely use a query of "(sAMAccountName={0})" which is handled by entry username of queryAttributeMapping mapping to sAMAccountName.
  • Note: The above querryAttributeMapping map keys need corresponding changes to uportal-war/src/main/resources/properties/contexts/userContext.xml for the Directory Search Portlet to find the values in the LDAP source. See example below:


    Code Block
      <!-- The following attribute names are used in searching for users through 
             person-directory, such as from within the Directory framework portlet. These should correspond to
             the internal names (keys, not the ldap attribute names) of the queryAttributeMapping property of
             bean uPortalLdapAttributeSource in personDirectoryContext.xml. -->
        <util:list id="directoryQueryAttributes">

