Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3




uPortal ships with a couple of different ways to consume RSS feeds, both of which use compatible channel configuration parameters:

  • CGenericXSLT - A number of XSL stylesheets ship which allow you to render RSS into HTML
  • CSynFeedReader - A dedicated feed reader channel

In addition, various institutions have developed channels and portlets – notably Duke University's tabbed RSS Portlet.

Troubleshooting RSS Channels


HTML markup in RSS displays

Problem: I am seeing html markup in my rss channels. I have set output escaping to "yes" in, and restarted tomcat. No change. I did an ant scrub-tokens and redeployed and still see the same thing. Any ideas? How do I get the channel to render correctly?
