- Web clients :The Bedework web clients provide access to public events in guest mode and to public and personal events in authenticated mode. All web clients are easily skinned allowing a high degree of customization.
- Public calendar suites : Public events are displayed using "calendar suites" allowing multiple organizations to maintain their own public views of events with whatever degree of visibility is appropriate. A Bedework public calendaring installation may have one or many calendar suites. A calendar suite provides a customized view of events, custom theming, and control over how events are tagged by event administrators.
- Public calendar feeds and embeddable JavaScript widgets, supporting ical, json, and XML.
- Personal calendars : Bedework provides a web client for personal and group calendaring including scheduling. Using CalDAV desktop clients, users can see a fully synchronized view of their personal and subscribed events between their desktop client and the web client.
- Administrative client for public events : Public event entry and maintenance is carried out through the administrative web client. The system supports three roles: Super Users control global system settings including user and calendar maintenance and the setup of calendar suites. Calendar Suite Owners can modify the settings of their calendar suite, and Event Administrators can add and edit events for the administrative groups to which they belong.
- Public event submission : Bedework provides a web client for submitting events to a public queue allowing members of your community who are not event administrators to suggest public events.
- Highly customizable look and feel and standards based : The web clients are themed using CSS and a theme settings file, or by deeper maniuplation of XSLT. Designers can theme Bedework for multiple clients and uses, without involving your programming staff. Bedework comes with skins for producing the web clients, data feeds, and displays suitable for handheld devices. Bedework provides a widget builder that makes it easy to embed dynamic event listings on static web sites.