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Note, this call deviates from our normal schedule in observance of Veterans' Day in the United States. Next month, we'll be back to our regular schedule.


Time: Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 2pm Eastern (-0400)
Conference Bridge: 1-605-715-4920 755136#







  • Review Last Month's Call
  • Status of Clients
  • Status of Server Development
  • Status of Any Outstanding RFCs
  • Open For Questions
  • Any Interesting Bits from Steering Committee
  • Plug for Conference
  • Any other items


  • ScottS communicated a summary of the last CAS Meeting:
    • Last month focused on .NET client, a bit about restructuring the web page with regarding ease at getting to the CAS Client patches available for download.
    • Additionally, there was discussion on getting additional clients into the CAS Community.
  • New Meeting topics:
    • ScottS - Status of CAS Client: Java CAS Client was released- Oct 22nd release built in support of the ClearPass functionality that is on it's way. Additionally, they came up with a few different ways to use proxy storage; a key for uPortal when deployed in multiple instances. Release Notes
    • Upcoming CAS Client release, no priority to get it out at this time, the only item open is a change to fix a warning that shows up in Tomcat.
    • If additional items are not brought to attention a small patch release may be released.
    • Send additional comments into the community with needs.
    • Marvin Addison - mentioned moving the .NET client into a subversion space; he is updating the documentation and will share this information on the Wiki. The target is to have this completed and posted within the next few weeks.
    • ScottS - mod_auth_cas, Apache Module: The project is moving forward and all is to be assumed to be progressing as it should be at this time. Look for details at the next meeting from Matt at UConn.
    • ScottS - Status of the CAS Server, 3.3.5 released recently- 10 days ago.
    • Minor enhancements to upgrade libraries it uses and added new authentication handler. Enhancements to the throttling that was built into CAS, additional "authentication" throttling mechanism (IP Address) and one that relies on data storing in DB (auditing done thru CAS).
    • Google apps- can send a different attribute for User Name
    • ScottS and Marvin Addison -
      • Upcoming for 3.3.6, they are targeting Registry Cleaner, to run on all nodes for multiple instances of CAS.
      • Ways to improve the logging for ticket validation failure cases. (what's on the server and what messages can be sent onto the client).
      • Enhancements auditing and statistics library that uses CAS
      • Items in pipeline for other project (Inspektr) and hopeful to get into CAS Project.
      • Marvin to contribute a way to clean up old audit information.
      • Scott creating a basic query API that will allow to pull up audit info and summary into CAS so admin can view info quickly.
      • Marvin, performance issues with statistics—they will look into this for the next release 3.3.6 in CAS.
      • Marvin—Auditing statistics, would like to see how to make it easier to configure the names of things in your audit trail. They disable stats on CAS because the information was being written every minute. A need to refactor the time interval that statistics provided.
      • Scott- An option may be to batch up queries; configuration options are needed so that each institution can make their own choice as to how often statistical data is generated.
    • Status on RFC #1:
      • ClearPass- CAS Client patch in uPortal complete, now the ClearPass work can continue. Scott communicated a target of early next week to get the CAS side for ClearPass working. At that point in time the RFP can be closed out.
      • Presentation at JASIG Conference on ClearPass would be a good thing—Dan from CSU can not attend. (Possibly Andrew Petro or Scott B. to present)
    • Status on RFC #2:
      • .Net client chugging along!
    • new RFP for additional messages to send back to the client. (Marvin and Scott will do this together).
      • Work should be able to get in for 3.3.6 release.
      • Goal - to get this topic into the next CAS Community call (Scott)
  • Questions or other topics
    • Q#1:
      • Howard Gilbert - Howard is working on CAS configuration- running into contradictions around authentication of different principals into different realms. Different format for users cause unique authentication, how should these differences be addressed?
      • Howard will create a Jira with all the details. The target will be to identify a resolution and have it included into CAS 3.3.6. Looking for a similar model to password encoders.
    • Q#2:
      • Howard Gilbert Migration to Active Directory --Q: Has anyone investigated which option is most robust in regard to domain controllers if system goes down?
      • A: Different ways you can use handlers—LDAP, very good to use, fault tolerant.
    • Q#3
      • PatrickB - What can you (Scott) use help with to get Maven War overlay up to date?
      • A: Scott: you can take what you have done so far, Maven WAR Overlay, upgrade, etc and assist with documentation.
      • Scott's goal to explain the layout and theme updates for upgrades; if others have determined a good way to manage changes and upgrades please documenting and assist.
      • Marvin has done overlay with LDAP and is going to provide a link for others to view.
    • Q#4
      • Kim Cary - A document to assist first time CAS users would be beneficial. Further discussion on what exists on the first page of the existing Server Manual— Kim was asked to check out what is available today and to provide feedback if more content is required for new users.
      • Main items that make up CAS:
        • Protocol, Server, Client that interact with server via protocol
      • Jonathan—let Kim review what is available and provide feedback before we move forward with additional deliverables.
      • A graphical representation of CAS as a whole could be beneficial to everyone.
      • Charise to follow up at Unicon and identify what we may have that could be shared.
    • Conference Plug
      • Plug for conference: JASIG proposal date extended until Nov 25th- they are looking for interesting work with CAS, libraries, frameworks, etc. Please submit proposals.
      • Marvin to possibly able to travel and present some open source work he contributed.

Action Items

  • ScottS: Bring up CAS Clients at next steering committee meeting.
  • Find presenter for ClearPass at Conference
  • Charise to work on the Unicon side and see who may be available for a presentation of the ClearPass work.