Jasig CAS Client for Java 3.1.11
Dear CAS Community,
We're pleased to announce a new release of the Jasig CAS Client for Java (version 3.1.11). The releases notes include:
- CASC-67 - Document using the CAS Client with Spring Security Pre-Authentication methods
- CASC-102 - Custom proxy granting ticket storage methods not being set properly in web.xml
- CASC-106 - Saml11TicketValidatorTests.testValidationSuccessWithNoAttributes() fails due to TimeZone problem
- CASC-107 - Encoding when parsing validation response should be configurable in CAS client
- CASC-109 - Bug in AbstractTicketValidationFilter.java
- CASC-110 - Unable to change the replacement proxyGrantingTicketStorageClass implementation via web.xml
For those of you who use Maven, you can follow these instructions to add the CAS Client to your project:https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASC/Obtaining+from+Maven2+Repository
This upgrade is recommended for all users of the 3.1.x branch.