4.1 Jasig Board News
4.2 MailPortlet 2.0.0-alpha-7 Released
4.3 Enterprise Portals as the User Interface of a Services Oriented Architecture - Andrew Petro (Unicon, Inc.)
On behalf of the Bedework development team,
Gary Schwartz
3.2 Bedework Project Steering Committee
The Bedework project is in the process of forming its initial steering committee, and we are looking for volunteers to join the group.
Gary Weaver (Duke University)
4.3 Enterprise Portals as the User Interface of a Services Oriented Architecture - Andrew Petro (Unicon, Inc.)
"I had the privilege of presenting a Webinar today entitled "Enterprise Portals as the User Interface to Services Oriented Architecture" and in this post I share the slides."
See Andrew's full blog entry (with slidecast) at: http://www.unicon.net/blog/apetro/portal_as_ui_of_soa