I hope you enjoy this month's content! As always, feel free to send your comments or content to newsletter at jasig dot org.
Unlicensed user Mark Mark (University of Manitoba), Editor, JA-SIG Newsletter
Additionally, CAS deployment particulars are listed for a number of institutions: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/CAS/CAS+Production+Set+Ups Feel free to add or update your institution's information on this page.
Contributed by:
Unlicensed user ScottS (Rutgers University), Lead Developer, JA-SIG Central Authentication Service
I want to thank everyone who contributed to the development both directly and indirectly. Having this developer community available for both code and design insight has been invaluable.
Contributed by:
Unlicensed user Eric Dalquist (University of Wisconsin-Madison), uPortal 3 Release Engineer