uPortal 3.0 Platform Training Overview
This course serves as an introduction and guide to portals, portlets, and uPortal and encompasses best practices for leveraging the open-source uPortal software and its community. Topics include: uPortal Overview, Authentication and Authorization, Groups and Permissions Framework, Aggregated and Template Layouts, Administrative Channels, Permissions Manager, Accessing User Attributes and Information and more.
Portlet Development Training Overview
This course serves as an introduction and guide to developing standards-compliant portlets and covers items from the Portlet API and the building and deployment of portlets to techniques for organizing code in a clean architecturally-sound way. uPortal is used as the portal platform during the course, but the portlet development skills apply to any JSR 168 compliant platform. Topics include: Portlet Specification Overview, Apache Pluto Overview, Portlet API, Obtaining 3rd-party Portlets, Portlet Installation, Development Environment, Use of Eclipse IDE, Hello World Portlet, Advanced Portlet Applications, Portlet Security, Debugging Portlets, Using WSRP, and uPortal Roadmap.