Date | Symptoms | Paraclinic | Treatment | Documents and Media | ||||||||||||
27/02/2024-ongoing Alexandru Obregia Psychiatry and Neurological Hospital. | Focal Crisis on the evening of 27/02/2024. He is responsive during most of the crisis, expect at peak in the hospital where he has foam around his mouth specific jerky movements; 29/02/2024 1430 another focal seizure. He complains about headaches, blurry vision, tremors, twitching fingers and hands. Is very unstable when walking. | 01/03/2024 - MRI reveals brain inflammation. Blood samples are normal. No antibodies found. Doctors suspect Autoimmune encephalitis. | 27/02/2024 Diazepam, Solu-Medrol, Levetiracetam; 29/02/2024 Medication does not improve condition. Changed to Phenytoin. Immunoglobulin and Solu-Medrol. 01/03.2024 Immunoglobulin, Levetiracetam, fen.., solumedrol 02/03/2024 solumedrol, immunoglobulin, Fenton, Levetiracetam | After phenytoin
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22/02/2024-27/02/2024 Children's Hospital in Brasov | Acute Therapy | He has another episode of focal seizure. Is being hospitalized. Diagnosis: |
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21/02/2024 Allergy Test | We have been to an Allergy doctor to get him checked. Prick test and other clinical tests did not reveal any allergies. Further tests must be done. |
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03/02/2023-09/02/2023 Alexandru Obregia Psychiatry and Neurological Hospital. | Focal Crisis on 3rd of February. Estimated duration between 5 and 20 minutes. 1 febrile croset. Otherwise afebrile, in good general condition, does not repeat seizures. Fleeting erythema in emotional context. | 03/02/24 Cerebral MRI. EEG wake and sleep. 07/02/24 hlg with leukocytes within normal limits, no anemia, platelets within normal limits, peripheral blood smear within normal limits, no hepatocytosis, no nitrogen retention, ionogram within normal limits, mildly elevated cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol, biological inflammatory syndrome anbsent. | Dexamethasone intravenous Ibuprofen Paracetamol |
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22/12/2023-03/01/2024 Grigore Alexandrescu Children's Hospital | ICU | Generalized macular lesions. | Azithromycin 5 days. HFNC 20-25 L/min |