[09:44:49 CST(-0600)] <dmccallum54> picked up the kid at daycare yesterday… were two cars in the parking lot covered with snow
[10:38:30 CST(-0600)] <JasonElwood> Shawn provided some information about the task types in SSP:
[10:38:40 CST(-0600)] <JasonElwood> Essentially, the differences between the two are whether or not the task contains a link to a specific Challenge and Challenge Referral or if it's a custom description from the user.
[10:38:40 CST(-0600)] <JasonElwood> In MyGPS you can see create a custom task when you search for a Challenge by a tag and no Challenges match the search. You should see a custom option, where you can fill in a personalized description for the task. Also, a Custom Task should be displayed with a blue background in your MyGPS task list.