- pom.xml (ONLY for non-JTDS jdbc driver installations on Microsoft SQL Server. SSP-Platform now supports JTDS driver in the package)
JDBC driver for SSP-Platform if not using PostgreSQL
Warning The pom.xml should only be changed with extreme care. This is only required for Microsoft SQL Server installations not using the default JTDS jdbc driver packages packaged with SSP-Platform. The parameter defines the location of the driver in the local repository.
- File Location: (uPortal-ssp-1-0-0)
Configuration Values: parameters
Action: modify the exist parameters defined for PostgreSQL
Code Block title JDBC driver identified in the pom.xml <!-- The JDBC Driver used by SSP --> <jdbc.groupId> </jdbc.groupId> <jdbc.artifactId> </jdbc.artifactId> <jdbc.version> </jdbc.version>
- ssp-platform-config.properties
- The ssp-platform-config.properties file must be modifed for database connectivity and email settings
- Original File Location: ./uportal-war/src/main/resources/properties/ssp-platform-config.default.properties
- Edit the file and save in the SSP_CONFIGDIR
- Run-Time File Location: <SSP_CONFIGDIR>/ssp-platform-config.properties
Configuration Values:
Value Description environment.build.hibernate.connection.driver_class jdbc driver file environment.build.hibernate.connection.url jdbc connection syntax environment.build.hibernate.connection.username jdbc connection database username environment.build.hibernate.connection.password jdbc connection database password environment.build.hibernate.dialect jdbc connection dialect - The ssp-platform-config.properties file must be modifed for database connectivity and email settings