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*** When running a database initialization ant target (initportal, initdb), you need to specify SSP_CONFIGDIR if it isn't already specified as an env var. E.g on *nix.... $> SSP_CONFIGDIR=/opt/ssp/sspconfig ant -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean initdb<target> deploy-ear: Build entireMost uPortalCommon (incl.Commands all wars), deploy entire uPortal to Tomcat.*** Build the full site and database by running ant initportal Other deployment options: dbtest: Tests the database settings and connectivity initdb: Drop uPortal tables in the db & recreate them with configured seed data (src/main/data, not including the "quickstart" folder). deploy-war: Build & deploy _just the uPortal war_ (i.e. not portlets, etc.). deployPortletApp: Deploy one (already-built) portlet war file to Tomcat (example ant deploPortletApp -DportletApp=..\SSP-Open-Source-Project/target/ssp.war) Build the full site and database: C:\ssp\uPortal-ssp-1-0-0>ant initportal Other deployment options: dbtest- Re/Initialize the SSP-Platform database, then run the equivalent of deploy-ear. Destructive! Appropriate for first-time deployments. $> SSP_CONFIGDIR=/opt/ssp/sspconfig ant -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean initportal - Build and deploy entire SSP-Platform portal, including SSP: $> SSP_CONFIGDIR=/opt/ssp/sspconfig ant -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean deploy-ear Other commonly used ant targets: testdb: Tests the database settings and connectivity initdb: Drop uPortalSSP-Platform tables in the db & recreate them with configured seed data (src/main/data, not including the "quickstart" folder). deploy-ear: Build entire uPortal (incl. all wars), deploy entire uPortal to Tomcat. deploy-war: Build & deploy _just the uPortalSSP-Platform war_ (i.e. not SSP or other portlets, etc.). deployPortletApp: Deploy one (already-built) portlet war file to Tomcat (example ant deployPortletAppdeploPortletApp -DportletApp=..\/SSP-Open-Source-Project/target/ssp.war) |