The Main Tool displays academic information about the student normally stored in the student information system (SIS).
The Details tab from the Main Tool displays information maintained in the SIS regarding the student's financial aid.
Parameter | External Table | Location | Field Name | Description | Example |
grade_point_average | external_student_transcript | Main-Dashboard Main-Details MAP-FinancialAid | GPA | The calculated cumulative GPA value | 1.82 |
academic_standing | external_student_transcript | Main-Dashboard | Standing (Student Indicator) | Current academic standing of the student | GOOD |
current_restrictions | external_student_transcript | Main-Dashboard Main-Details MAP-FinancialAid | Restrictions | List of any restrictions or holds on the student record | ie. Dismissed, Hold, Fine |
financial_aid_gpa | external_student_financial_aid | Main-Details Main-FinancialAid Map- FinancialAid | FA GPA | The GPA calculated for financial aid eligibility | 1.82 |
gpa_20_a_hrs_needed | external_student_financial_aid | MAP-FinancialAid | Hours needed to earn a 2.0 GPA with all A grades | The number of earned hours at an A level required to achieve an overall 2.0 GPA | 9 |
gpa_20_b_hrs_needed | external_student_financial_aid | MAP-FinancialAid | Hours needed to earn a 2.0 GPA with all B grades | The number of earned hours at a B level required to achieve an overall 2.0 GPA | 9 |
credit_hours_earned | external_student_transcript | Main-Details MAP-FinancialAid | Hrs Earned | The total value of credit hours successfully completed or earned | 31 |
credit_hours_attempted | external_student_transcript | Main-Details MAP-FinancialAid | Hrs Attempted | The total value of credit hours attempted whether or not included in the hours for GPA or hours earned | 36 |
credit_completion_rate | external_student_transcript | Main-Dashboard Main-Details MAP-FinancialAid | Comp Rate | Completion rate of hours attempted | 86% |
needed_for_67ptc_completion | external_student_financial_aid | MAP-FinancialAid | Hours needed to earn a 67% completion rate | The number of hours needed to reach a 67% completion rate required for financial aid (earned/attempted=completion rate) | 9 |
term_code | external_registration_status_by_term | Main-Dashboard Main-Details MAP-FinancialAid | Reg | List of current and future terms for which the student is registered | FA2013 |
tuition_paid | external_registration_status_by_term | Main-Dashboard Main-Details MAP-FinancialAid | Payment | Y or N, indicates payment status of tuition for the term | FA2013=N |
balance_owed | external_person | Main-Details MAP-FinancialAid | Balance | Student's balance currently owed to the college. Format is XXXXX.XX. | $0.00 |
sap_status | external_student_financial_aid | Main-Dashboard Main-Details MAP-FinancialAid | SAP | Y or N, indicates if the student has achieved Satisfactory Academic Progress | N |
F1_status | external_person | Main-Dashboard Main-Details MAP-FinancialAid | F1 | Y or N, indicates if the student has an F1 Visa on file | Y |
FAFSA_date | external_student_financial_aid | Main-Details MAP-FinancialAid | FAFSA | The date the FAFSA was accepted | 08/24/2013 |
current_year_financial_aid_award | external_student_financial_aid | Main-Dashboard Main-Details MAP-FinancialAid | FA Award | Y or N, indicates if the student received financial aid for the current academic year | Y |
remaining_loan_amount | external_student_financial_aid | Main-Details MAP-FinancialAid | FA Amount | The remaining amount of loans available to the student | $809.00 |
term_code | external_student_financial_aid_award_term | Main-FinancialAid MAP-FinancialAid | FA Awarded | Specifies what term financial aid was offered to the student. Equivalent to external_term.code value. | FA12 |
accepted | external_student_financial_aid_award_term | Main-FinancialAid MAP-FinancialAid | FA Awarded | Indicates the acceptance status of financial aid for the term. Acceptable values are Y or N | Y |
institutional_loan_amount | external_student_financial_aid | Main-FinancialAid MAP-FinancialAid | Institutional Loan Amount | The remaining amount of financial aid available to the student | $1,300.00 |
original_loan amount | external_student_financial_aid | Main-Details MAP-FinancialAid | Loan Amount | The original amount of loans available to the student | $6,600.00 |
terms_left | external_student_financial_aid | Main-Details MAP-FinancialAid | Remaining FA Terms | The number of remaining eligible terms to receive financial aid | 3.00 |
sap_status_code | external_student_financial_aid | Main-Details MAP-FinancialAid | SAP | The SAP status code as determined by the institution. This value must match a configuration item for SAP status code in SSP administration | SAP-SAT |
file_status | external_student_financial_aid_file | Main-Details MAP-FinancialAid | FA File | The appropriate status for the file code. Acceptable values are COMPLETE, INCOMPLETE and PENDING | COMPLETE |