1. Update SSP & SSP-Platform Source
- Update ssp to either the 'master' branch or the 'rel-1-2-patches' branch depending on your needs for the environment
- Update ssp-platform to either the 'ssp-master' or the 'ssp-rel-1-1-patches' branchDemo data was introduced starting with SSP v1.2.0 and SSP-Platfrom v1.1.0. You'll need to be running those or later versions.
2. Edit the config file
- open 'ssp-config.properties' in your SSP_CONFIGDIR directory
edit the line that reads;
Code Block db_liquibase_changelog=classpath:org/jasig/ssp/database/masterChangeLog.xml
Code Block db_liquibase_changelog=classpath:org/jasig/ssp/database/masterChangeLog-demo.xml
- Save this change. It will be picked up on the next Tomcat restart. Before doing that, though, if you're on SSP v2.0.1 or later you'll likely need to drop some database constraints in order for the demo data to load. See
https://issues.jasig.org/browse/SSP-1877. There is also an open PR that patches the demo data itself as an alternative to manipulating db constraints,
3. Build and Deploy SSP
Navigate to the SSP source directory and Run the following command to build SSP
Code Block C:\ssp\master> mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true install
Navigate to your SSP-Platform source directory and run the following command to deploy SSP
Code Block ant deployPortletApp -DportletApp=(Your SSP source directory)/target/ssp.war
- Stop/Start (or restart) tomcat
- If you watch the catalina.out log file you should see liquibase acquire the changeset and run the changeset for adding demo data.