Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Disable slide-down drawer - or - hover over icon creates menu drop down for that project
  2. Replace Incubator logo with improved logo or stylized Incubator word
  3. Have uPortal deployment scrolling list show more than one at a timeRemove/replace placeholders from , fill the column and filter out deployments that are missing logos
  4. Add featured checkbox to screencases
  5. Add "featured" screencast block to the bottom of
  6. Fix providers link on
  7. Add incubator to Projects page and projects menu
  8. Simplify Scope the main left menu - for the project pages , at the project leve
  9. remove the global "Join the Discussion" and "Quick Links" blocks; have the remaining block be scoped at the projectIntensify the color of the logos at the top
  10. Remove transparency of the icons on top
  11. Look at modifying the bottom border of the hovered icon

Round Two Modifications (within weeks)

  1. Add YouTube widget to
  2. Create project items for all projects, including those in incubation
  3. Add incubator project list to bottom of incubator home page
  4. Consider merging uPortal documentation page with uPortal support page
  5. Add published dates to the news articles
  6. Look for a way to highlight wiki/Jira

Round Three Modifications

  1. Interesting incubator logo, perhaps involving an egg