- Information architecture and website design
- Creation of a new identity and visual identity
- Removal of dash in JA-SIG
- JA-SIG no longer stands for Java Architectures, as we move beyond Java to more general open source and collaboration in higher education IT
- New tagline. If we're not "Java Architectures Special Interest Group", then one is our non-acronymical tagline?
- a compelling statement of scope for what JASIG does, where it has come from, where it might go
- Design and development of a brand and logos
- Logo for JA-SIG itself
- Logo for JA-SIG Member Institution
- Logo for JA-SIG Commercial Affiliate
- Migration of existing website content into a new CMS demonstrating the new brand, logos, and especially information architecture
- ja-sig.org and uPortal.org [See comment -Jonathan]
- Implementation of a Contact Us page / section including a web form for sending email. This to be initially implemented to email the Board, who will then route the messages where they really need to go.