Versions Compared


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uPortal 4.1+ DB-backed PAGS store

With uPortal 4.1 the default configuration for PAGS is a database-backed storage.  To use the previous XML-based configuration  alter the file to set the property org.jasig.portal.groups.pags.PersonAttributesGroupStore.configurationClass=org.jasig.portal.groups.pags.XMLPersonAttributesConfiguration, then follow the uPortal 4.0 instructions below.

Step 1: Modify default.person-attribute-group-store.xml

TBD fill this in.

Upgrading from XML-backed PAGS to database-backed PAGS

TBD fill this in

uPortal 4.0 XML-backed PAGS store

With uPortal 4.0 the PAGS configuration is stored in an XML file PAGSGroupStoreConfig.xml.  uPortal 4.1 by default uses a DB-backed 

Step 1: Modify the PAGSGroupStoreConfig.xml file
