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Code Block
<!-- Example Group Declarations --> 

<pags-store xmlns="">
  <description>Default Person Attribute Group Store</description>

<!-- Group declarations: -->

  Group pags_root: "PAGS Root"
  IMPORTANT: The PAGS Root group is REQUIRED for uPortal to function. It Must be a member of the Everyone group in the
  local group store
    <name>PAGS Root</name>
    <description>Root group for all PAGS groups.  Convenience for adding PAGS groups to a local group.</description>
      <member-key>All Users (PAGS)</member-key>
      <member-key>Authenticated Users</member-key>
      <member-key>Desktop Device Access</member-key>
      <member-key>Mobile Device Access</member-key>
      <member-key>Respondr Theme Users</member-key>

  Group all_users: "All Users (PAGS)"
  All IPersons are members of this group
  IMPORTANT: The All Users group is REQUIRED for uPortal to function. It Must be a member of the PAGS Root group
    <name>All Users (PAGS)</name>
    <description>All Portal Users</description>
      <member-key>All Staff (PAGS)</member-key>

<!-- ********** Here's our new "All Staff" group we are declaring *********** -->
<group-key>all_staff</group-key>    <name>All <group-name>All Staff (PAGS)</group-name>
    <group-description>All<description>All Staff Users</group-description>
          <description></description> <attribute-name>eduPersonAffiliation</attribute-name>



<!-- End Group declarations: -->
  • Now, what if I wanted to refine the staff group into departments? Below is an additional example that groups "All Staff" users from above into departments based on if the attribute ou=ITS (Information Technology Services)
