Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • In uportal-impl/src/main/resources/properties/contexts/userContext.xml replace SimplePersonManager bean
    Code Block
        <bean id="personManager" class="" />
    with the RemoteUserPersonManager bean. Note that the bean id stays the same.
    Code Block
        <bean id="personManager" class="" />

Step 3 - Person Attributes



This step is only needed if you're using the uPortal rendered login link.

Modify uportal-war/src/main/resources/org/jasig/portal/channels/CLogin/html.xsl


Code Block

            <!-- This is a modification of the uP 3.1.1 CLogin/html.xml code. I left a lot of the CAS stuff, which is not necessary, as Shib is used for authN. -->
            <xsl:when test="$casLoginUrl!= ''">
              <div id="portalCASLogin" class="fl-widget-content">
                <a id="portalCASLoginLink" href="Login" title="Sign In">
                  <span>Sign In <span class="via-cas">with Shibboleth</span></span>
                <p>New user? <a id="portalCASLoginNewLink" href=" to URL with information on how to get a user id that works with Shib..." title="New User">Start here</a>.</p>


Code Block

<pre><? print_r(apache_request_headers()); ?></pre>


to change the Login and Logout UIs to something appropriate to your institution.
