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Planned Work

Work Item


i18n Framework Improvements
Framework support for internationalized messages. Includes i18n framework & channel support, message externalization. (Sunguard HE)

Make DLM the Default Layout Manager
Data.xml and portal properties will be modified to specify DLM as the default layout manager to showcase the codebase and communicate it's status as the preferred layout management approach for new installations

~jayshao (Rutgers)

DLM Fragment Manager
GUI tool for configuring and specifiying DLM fragments and permissions

~mboyd (Sunguard HE)

DLM Integrated Modes Support
Support for in-line customization of a user's layout under DLM

~mboyd (Sunguard HE)



Planned Work

Work Item


Improved Portlet Specification (JSR-168) Support
Improvemed compliance with the portlet specification and support for Portlet features

~edalquist (UW-Madison)

DLM Integration
Integration of the Distributed Layout Manager (DLM) into the uPortal 3 codebase to provide for pushed/pulled fragments, and enhanced layout publishing and permissioning

TBD (SCT & Unicon)

Enhanced UI & Interaction Behavior
Theme and management work to enhance and refine user interaction with uPortal

~bcollierjones (UMBC)

