PersonDirectory is a uPortal customization point.
You have three basic two options for configuring PersonDirectory:
PersonDirs.xml configuration
You can configure purely by editing PersonDirs.xml, perhaps leveraging your existing skills with that file format. And you have a good deal of flexibility there, using LDAP and JDBC to get your attributes.
The uPortal 2.5 PersonDirectory continues to support PersonDirs.xml to configure your person attribute sources. The PersonDirs.xml language allows you to specify in the PersonDirs.xml the configuration parameters for LDAP or JDBC queries as sources of attributes, with the server configuration (database URL, username, password, driver, etc.) being configured right there. It also lets you configure queries against databases or LDAP servers that are managed by RDBMServices or LdapServices. So there's quite a bit of flexibility right there.
This means of configuration is supported in 2.5 – the new implementation even provides additional validation of PersonDirs.xml configuration data to catch problems and provide more helpful logging and exception messages.
This is a recommended approach if the PersonDirs.xml language supports everything you need.
uPortal 2.5 implements uPortal 2.4-style PersonDirs.xml-driven configuration by means of LegacyPersonAttributeDao
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The legacy xml configuration PersonDirs.xml is not supported in uPortal 3.x. |
Custom Java implementation