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A demonstration of checking out and configuring uPortal 4 in Eclipse. This video assumes the setup in the Eclipse Setup video above was followed.

Widget Connector

Many progress bars and wait times are cut out of the video.


Detailed Instructions

These instructions correspond to the times and subtitles in the demo video.

0:00 - 0:10 - Starting Eclipse
0:00 - 0:10 - Starting Eclipse


0:10 - 0:23 - Add Jasig SVN Repository
0:10 - 0:23 - Add Jasig SVN Repository
  1. Switch to the SVN Repository Exploring perspective
  2. Right click in the SVN Repositories list and select New > Repository Location from the menu
  3. Enter* for the *Url and click the Finish button.
0:23 - 1:18 - Checkout uPortal 3.2-patches Branch
0:23 - 1:18 - Checkout uPortal 3.2-patches Branch
  1. Navigate to the uPortal/branches/rel-3-2-patches folder in the Jasig SVN repository (
  2. Right click on the rel-3-2-patches folder and select Checkout... from the menu
  3. Use the New Project Wizard option on the Checkout from SVN dialog and click the Finish button
  4. Under the General folder select Project and click the Next > button
  5. Name the project uPortal_3.2-patches and click Next > then Finish
1:18 - 1:40 - Configure as Maven Project
1:18 - 1:40 - Configure as Maven Project
  1. Right Click on the uPortal_3.2-patches project and select the Configure > Convert to Maven Project option.
1:40 - 2:30 - Import Child Projects
1:40 - 2:30 - Import Child Projects
  1. Right Click on the uPortal_3.2-patches project and select the Import... option.
  2. Expand the Maven folder and select the Existing Maven Projects option, then click Next >
  3. Click the Deselect All button since uPortal creates a lot of little Maven overlay projects that aren't useful to import.
  4. Select the uportal-impl and uportal-war projects
  5. Expand the Advanced section and select the Name template: artifactId-version, then click Next >
  6. Select the Add project(s) to working set checkbox
  7. Click the More.. button to the right of the Working Set drop down box
  8. In the Select Working Sets dialog click the New button
  9. Select the Java working set option, click Next >, name the working set uPortal_3.2-patches and click Finish
  10. Click Next > in the Import Maven Projects dialog. You can ignore the warnings about missing Maven plugin connectors and just click Finish
2:30 - 2:40 - Switch to Working Sets View
2:30 - 2:40 - Switch to Working Sets View
  1. Click on the small down arrow in the upper right corner of the Package Explorer tab
  2. Select Top Level Elements > Working Sets from the menu
  3. Check the Sort Projects box and then click the OK button

These instructions were last updated on 7/22/2011