Verify the values on the Database name, Database version, Driver name, Driver version match those entered in dbloader.xml exactly.
Additional notes
01. Starting HSQLWith the quick-start distribution the ant 'start' and 'stop' targets start and stop both the hsqldb instance uPortal uses and the Tomcat instance uPortal is deployed to.
For the uPortal only distribution "ant hsql" will start the database and the "ant hsql-shutdown" target will stop it. Doing a CTRL^C in the window running the hsql database will also stop the database. The "-Dspawn=true" option can be specified with "ant hsql" to start the database in the background.
Issues and Known Bugs
Some people have encountered a problem with HypersonicSQL where the database fills up with thousands of rows in the UP_USER table with a user id of "0" and user name of "system" with the rest of the fields as null values. Deleting these rows seems to fix the problem. See the HSQL OutOfMemoryError for a description of this problem.