Using the bundled CAS server in uPortal you can use the preferred maven overlay approach to integrating the clearPass feature. There is a patch available to accomplish this, below describes the steps to perform the integration after applying the above patch. By default, the clearPass feature is not activated.
Step 1
: Editing the cas deployerConfigContext.xml file
- Open the deployerConfigContext.file for editing located at ../uportal-portlets-overlay/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/deployerConfigContext.xml
- Uncomment the following piece of code
Code Block lang xml </list> </property> <!-- UNCOMMENT THIS SECTION BELOW --> <property name="authenticationMetaDataPopulators"> <list> <bean class="org.jasig.cas3.extensions.clearpass.CacheCredentialsMetaDataPopulator"> <constructor-arg index="0" ref="credentialsCache" /> </bean> </list> </property </bean> <bean id="userPasswordDao" class="org.jasig.portal.cas.authentication.handler.support.PortalPersonDirUserPasswordDao" p:data-source-ref="dataSource" />
Step 2:
Step 3:
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