Subversion branch of uPortal 4.0, including uMobile specific portlets. Have a quickstart, similar to uPortal. Can't Can’t do an easy quickstart for native apps, due to differing operating systems. Documentation is similar in format to uPortal. We have documented a different process for bringing up that functionality. News, calendar, map, courses will be included in the GA version.
Ability to link to native modules. Ex: Courses currently web based, want to be able to click thru professor's professor’s name to contact info.
Android button integration (back, search, home)
User experience. Ex: Landscape mode navigation takes up too much space, especially for webview. Ability to add application state (if you leave now, doesn't doesn’t remember where you were.)
Has ability to show imbedded videos – extend to podcast, you tube.
News doesn't doesn’t have full support for import/export