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Now that the Oracle Calendar integration is installed in your local maven repository, you can create a maven overlay project to build a version of the project configured for your environment.

Maven's war plugin allows you to create an "overlay" of another maven war project. In short, this feature allows you to import another project and lay your own changes over the top.
You can find more information about maven war overlays at:

  1. Download the sample overlay project at and unzip on your filesystem.
  2. The first file under your my-sched-assist-oraclecalendar-war directory you will need to edit is at the path:
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  3. The only "bean" you need to edit in this file is the 'oracleCalendarNodeMap.' Create a map 'entry' for each Oracle Calendar server node you have in your environment, copying the sample entries.
  4. You need to provide a properties file that contains the hostnames, ports, usernames and passwords to integrate with your environment. Directly under your my-sched-assist-oraclecalendar-war directory, open the file with the path:
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  5. Edit the properties according to the comments. It is critical that you change the values of the ws.username and ws.password properties from the default to avoid being vulnerable to untrusted web service requests. Within this file you will also store the hostname, port, and sysop password for each of your Oracle Calendar server nodes.
  6. Once the properties file matches your environment, save the file.
  7. You should also edit 'src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml' to match the JDBC credentials for the database; by default this file contains the credentials for the HSQL database that can be started from the Scheduling Assistant source.
  8. Execute the following command from the root of your my-sched-assist-war directory:
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    mvn package
  9. This will download the version of the Scheduling Assistant specified in the pom.xml and add your configuration. The result will be a war file named 'my-scheduling-assistant.war' in the target sub-directory.

Copy this war file to the webapps directory of your Tomcat 6 instance.

You can optionally change the name of the war and a few other properties by editing the project's POM:

  • Open the pom.xml in the my-sched-assist-war directory. You can free to change the following properties as you see fit:
    • artifactId
    • groupId
    • name, description
    • scheduling.assistant.version (under the properties section)
    • finalName (under the build section)