At this time, the Scheduling Assistant supports HSQL and Oracle databases. The SQL used is ANSI and should work with other databases. If you wish to deploy against another database please contact the mailing list at 'sched-assist-user@lists.jasig.org' and we'll help you get running.
Get the Scheduling Assistant Oracle Calendar source
Since the Oracle Calendar integration for the Scheduling Assistant depends on a library that will never be available in public Maven repositories (as the native libraries are restricted under software licensing agreements), you must check out the Oracle Calendar specific source tree for the Scheduling Assistant and install in your local Maven repository.
- Create a workspace directory on your file system, e.g. /home/username/jasig/
- cd /home/username/jasig
- svn co https://source.jasig.org/sa/sched-assist-oraclecalendar/trunk sched-assist-oraclecalendar
- Note: You should replace 'trunk' in that url with a known release you want to work with, like 'tags/1.0.0' or 'branches/rel-1.0-patches' (not yet available).
- cd /home/username/jasig/sched-assist-oraclecalendar
- cp build-SAMPLE.properties build.properties
- Open build.properties in your favorite text editor
- Alter the 'oracle.install.home' and 'csdk.jar' to match the locations of your Oracle Calendar install root and the path to the csdk.jar
- Alter the 'java_library_path' and 'ld_library_path' to match your environment (comments in the file describe the differences between linux and solaris)
- Execute the following command to install csdk.jar in your local maven repository:
No Format ant maven-install-oracle-csdk
- Now that the csdk jar can be found by the maven build process, install the Scheduling Assistant Oracle Calendar project in your local maven repository:
No Format mvn package install
Creating the war overlay project
Now that the Oracle Calendar integration is installed in your local maven repository, you can create a maven overlay project to build a version of the project configured for your environment.