- Create a workspace directory on your file system, e.g. /home/username/jasig/
- cd /home/username/jasig
- svn co https://source.jasig.org/sa/sched-assist-oraclecalendar/trunk sched-assist-oraclecalendar
- Note: You should replace 'trunk' in that url with a known release you want to work with, like 'tags/1.0.0' or 'branches/rel-1.0-patches' (not yet available).
- cd /home/username/jasig/sched-assist-oraclecalendar
- cp build-SAMPLE.properties build.properties
- Open build.properties in your favorite text editor
- Alter the 'oracle.install.home' and 'csdk.jar' to match the locations of your Oracle Calendar install root and the path to the csdk.jar
- Alter the 'java_library_path' and 'ld_library_path' to match your environment (comments in the file describe the differences between linux and solaris)
- Execute the following command to install csdk.jar in your local maven repository:
No Format ant maven-install-oracle-csdk
- Now that the csdk jar can be found by the maven build process, install the Scheduling Assistant Oracle Calendar project in your local maven repository:
No Format mvn package install
Prepping a Tomcat instance for Scheduling Assistant Oracle Calendar
Using the Oracle Calendar SDK native libraries in Tomcat requires additional Tomcat configuration.
- In your tomcat 6 install, execute the following:
No Format mkdir -p shared/lib
- This new directory will contain libraries that are loaded by Tomcat's Shared Classloader. Enable the shared classloader by editing:
No Format CATALINA_HOME/conf/catalina.properties
- Set the value of the 'shared.loader' property to:
No Format shared.loader=${catalina.home}/shared/lib/*.jar
- Back in the Scheduling Assistant Oracle Calendar source tree, open build.properties and edit the tomcat.home property.
- Execute the following command to copy the correct dependencies into your Tomcat's shared/lib:
No Format ant deploy-oracle-csdk-and-loader
Creating the war overlay project