- Add new person:
Code Block HTTP POST /sor/{sorSourceId}/people/{sorPersonId}
- HTTP request headers:
- Content-Type: application/xml
- HTTP request entity body:
- <open-registry-person> XML representation
- HTTP response entity body:
- www-form-urlencoded representation of activation key (in case of 201). Example: activationKey=rsoktfqw
- <open-registry-resources> XML representation (in case of 409)
- HTTP status codes:
- 201: the new person resource is successfully created
- 400: the person XML representation is malformed or incomplete e.g. required fields are missing
- 303: the exact person already exists in the system e.g. the system has found an exact match based on the incoming person representation
- 409: possible one or more people exist in the system e.g. the system has found possible matches based on the incoming person representation
- 415: the request entity body is missing
- 401/403: the authentication/authorization fails
- 500: any other server error that occurs
- HTTP response headers:
- Location: /people/{personIdType}/{personId} (URI of a newly created calculated person resource in case of 201)
- Location: /people/{personIdType}/{personId} (URI of an existing calculated person resource in case of 303)
- Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded (in case of 201)
- HTTP request headers:
- 'Force Add' new person:
Code Block HTTP POST /sor/{sorSourceId}/people/{sorPersonId}?force=y
- HTTP request headers:
- Content-Type: application/xml
- HTTP request entity body:
- <open-registry-person> XML representation
- HTTP response entity body:
- www-form-urlencoded representation of activation key (in case of 201). Example: activationKey=rsoktfqw
- HTTP status codes:
- 201: the new person resource is successfully created
- 400: the person XML representation is malformed or incomplete e.g. required fields are missing
- 415: the request entity body is missing or is not of an appropriate media type
- 401/403: the authentication/authorization fails
- 500: any other server error that occurs
- HTTP response headers:
- Location: /people/{personIdType}/{personId} (URI of a newly created person resource in case of 201)
- Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded (in case of 201)
Code Block HTTP POST /{personIdType}/people/{personId}
- HTTP request headers:
- Content-Type: application/xml
- HTTP request entity body:
- <open-registry-person> XML representation
- HTTP status codes:
- 204: the new SoR Person is successfully 'linked' with an existing calculated Person
- 400: the person XML representation is malformed or incomplete e.g. required fields are missing
- 409: the linking cannot be performed due to Registry's internal state invariants violation
- 415: the request entity body is missing or is not of an appropriate media type
- 401/403: the authentication/authorization fails
- 500: any other server error that occurs
- HTTP request headers: