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Code Block
titleMoving into the uPortal 3 directory
cd /up3/uPortal-3.0.0-quick-start/uPortal-3.0.0

Step 2: Run the Ant tool on the build.xml in the uPortal 3 directory

As an example, ask Ant to enumerate the targets it can run in this context. The -p flag enumerates the targets available for the in-context project.

Code Block
titleRunning Ant to enumerate targets in the context

/uP3/uPortal-3.0.0-quick-start/apache-ant-1.6.5/bin/ant -p
Code Block
titleExample run
andrew-petros-macbook:~ apetro$ cd /up3/uPortal-3.0.0-quick-start/uPortal-3.0.0/
andrew-petros-macbook:uPortal-3.0.0 apetro$ ../ -p
Buildfile: build.xml

Main targets:

 addstylesheet      Registers a new theme or structure
 clean              Removes the deployed uPortal from the container and runs 'mvn clean'
 clean-shared       Removes the ALL shared libraries from the container.
 crn-delete         Deletes the specified entity
 crn-export         Exports the specified entity or entities to XML on the file system
 crn-import         Imports the specified XML file or files
 crn-make-data-xml  Runs the DbUnload tool against all tables listed in data.xml
 db                 Loads database tables and data
 db-hibernate       Drops then creates Hibernate managed tables
 dbtest             Displays information about the database defined in
 dbunload           Dumps a database table to a flat file in XML format
 delstylesheet      Deletes an existing theme or structure
 deluser            Delete traces of a user from the portal database
 deploy-ear         Deploy uPortal and dependent libraries and portlets to the servlet container
 deploy-war         Deploy the uPortal web application to the servlet container
 deployPortletApp   Deploys a portlet application
 help               Prints information about using this ant build file.
 hsql               Start a HSQLDB instance consistent with the default RDBMS requirements of uPortal
 hsql-shutdown      Compacts then cleanly shuts down hsql, useful if the 'hsql' task was run with '-Dspawn=true'
 i18n-db            Loads internationalization tables and data
 initportal         Runs all the targets necessary to deploy the portal and prepare the portal database
 l10n-db            Loads localized data
 md5passwd          Creates a user in the UP_PERSON_DIR table
 modstylesheet      Modifies an existing theme or structure
 regchantype        Registers a new channel type
Default target: help

Step 3: Try it out

Add a new user named "seminar" with password "howdy."

titleThis user appears in other exercises

It is important for subsequent exercises that this user not have a password equal to its name, so don't set the password to "seminar".

Code Block
titleInvoking md5passwd to create a new user

/uP3/uPortal-3.0.0-quick-start/apache-ant-1.6.5/bin/ant md5passwd -Dusername=seminar

Notice that the Ant target is named "md5passwd". It is so named because what it is doing is creating an md5-hashed password entry in uPortal's internal user account table.

It takes a single parameter (that's defined with the -D) of "username", here set to value "seminar", since "seminar" will be the name of this example user.

It will run for a bit and then prompt you for the password for this new user. Here's an example run:

Code Block
titleExample run to the point where it prompts for the password

andrew-petros-macbook:uPortal-3.0.0 apetro$ /uP3/uPortal-3.0.0-quick-start/apache-ant-1.6.5/bin/ant md5passwd -Dusername=seminar
Buildfile: build.xml


     [echo] Invoking Md5Passwd
     [java] Working directory ignored when same JVM is used.
     [java] Enter Password for seminar: 

Here it's waiting for the password. Type the desired password, press enter, and it will continue:

Code Block
titleCompletion of the user account creation run

     [java] Password Updated...

Total time: 44 seconds
andrew-petros-macbook:uPortal-3.0.0 apetro$ 

Step 4: Try logging in as the created user

Visit your uPortal and attempt to login as seminar / howdy .