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DLM Fragment Pushing Tool


This has been updated only slightly for uPortal 3. The attached code likely does NOT work without modification

Note!! This tool has not been extensively tested and should probably not be used in a production environment!


At the end of the file before the end project tag, add

Code Block
	<target name="pushdlmgen" description="Generates dlm fragments data file from dlm.xml" depends="compile">
        <java fork="true" failonerror="true" dir="${basedir}" classname="">
				<pathelement path="${build.home}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
            <classpath refid="compileuportal-impl-full.classpath" />

	<target name="pushdlm" description="Pushes dlm fragments data to db" depends="pushdlmgen">
   		 <antcall target="db">
        <param name="usedata" value="-d"/>
        <param name="datafile" value="/properties/db/dlm-data.xml"/>
        <param name="droptables" value="-nD"/>
        <param name="createtables" value="-nC"/>

A sample dlm.xml file is provided in properties/dlm.xml.
