- Grouper makes groups
- based on URN namespaces to make sure group names don't collide
- main objective is large scale admin and delegation of a common store
- many people have authority over many other people's information
- all those different agencies can source a knowledge system based on a common service that many agencies can plug into
Grouper Plumbing
- Grouper can list subjects which is an abstraction (how to integrate a thing with God knows what?)
- Subject API with packaged JNDI and JDBC
- Grouper ships with it's own presentation of subjects
- Main point of integration, point it at your LDAP directory or SOA implementation etc.
- Other points of integration can assign privileges
- There is a loader that can load people's LDAP entries, a dynamic group based on attributes
- Get information reflected from outside of Grouper for maintenance tasks
- Web Services interface, 4 varieties, light and heavy, SOAP and RESTful (2x2 matrix)
- WS for query and management
- You must use subject interfaces, WS interfaces are popular for putting things into Grouper like hierarchies of class membership or department structures
- LDAP provisioning connector, selects a variety of group information and tailors the way the information is handled
- Current LDAP provisioning connector is being replaced with a faster solution for large implementations like 1 million + groups
- New connector will have asynchronous notifications, subscribe to the Loader, coming in 1.5 in November
- New connector starts out with the Shibboleth attribute resolver
- Delivery mechanism based on SPML
- Will enable Shib to look up information directly from Grouper (potentially)
- From the app perspective, you want to gather information from the enterprise data store or you can put a Grouper client in your cron and make it available to your app in a legacy way.
- User interface for admin.
- Command line interface exposes 100% of the api
- XML import and export plumbing, don't do this but it's possible and sometimes even handy
- Current interface is not the one for general use but a new one is coming but for the most part you want users to set up the access from within the application that is consuming the Grouper services
- Far more coming in the attribute space in the new version
Success Stories
- National Cancer Institute, 80 Cancer research centres is federated and uses PKI, Grouper is the access management component.
- Central group registry and most sites have their own, but it provides a way for you to link your app to their grid while maintaining access
- U of Chicago uses it to solve ordinary use cases, over time you amass a new asset of who can access what, provides an alternative to creating application level access control
- University of Washington
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Chicago
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