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Comment: documented the Maven repository bootstrapping exercise
titleWhat is this seminar?

This seminar is a basic hands-on introduction to uPortal. In this session, participants will complete activities including: build uPortal from source, deploy it into a Tomcat, configure its embedded CAS server, install an additional skin, add a user attribute source, turn on and configure PAGS, install a channel and a JSR-168 portlet from the Clearinghouseand publish a channel.

This seminar will focus primarily focuses on the newly released uPortal 3.0.0 GA as the basis for its hands on exercises. Conference participants considering attending this seminar should bear in mind that there is significant crossover of concepts and uPortal modules between uPortal 2.6 and the uPortal 3 release evolved from uPortal 2.6, and so this seminar will be appropriate for persons looking to deploy, configure, and customize either uPortal 2.6 or uPortal 3.

contacting Andrew before the seminarcontacting Andrew before the seminar

Andrew (the presenter of this seminar) is on vacation in Australia the week before the seminar and so will be unreachable until Sunday evening beginning the conference. He will be at the JA-SIG conference and able to respond to any questions or concerns about this seminar at that time. Feel free to email him at any time and he will process these emails on his arrival in St. Paul, MN.


There are no formal pre-requesites, in that you are welcome to come to this seminar as you are and if you don't want to bring a computer, you don't have to. However, the seminar will be much more interesting and engaging if you bring a computer on which to do the exercises – a Mac or PC laptop running Mac OS X, a Linux variant with which you are comfortable, or Microsoft Windows XP should all be fine.

Your computer needs to be capable of running Java and it would be much better if it already has Java installed when you come to the seminar. You can achieve a good baseline by downloading and installing the uPortal 3.0.0 GA Quickstart release prior to the seminar. Alternatively, if you download and install Tomcat 5.5.* and have it running and rendering, you're in good shape as this means Java is successfully installed. You can download uPortal's Quick Start Release here. The Developer's Quick Start Release is most suitable.

Seminar materials will be available on CD-R and on USB memory stick, which will be passed around the room for installation during the introductory portion of the seminar. Materials may also be available for download from this page. Your computer needs to either accept CD-Rs or accept USB storage to load the seminar materials.


If you're registered for this seminar, please feel free to add yourself below to facilitate networking between seminar attendees.






Contact info


Ability to load conference materials






Unicon, Inc.




CD-R and USB


presenting this seminar



Whitman College



CD-R and USB




Your name goes here








Seminar content

Section 1: Introduction

Section 2: the uPortal 3 Quickstart

Section 3: Understanding uPortal

Section 4: Building

Bootstrapping the Maven repository

Seminar participants were asked to install a prepopulated Maven repository directory to speed their Maven 2 environment being usable.