- events
- maps
- directory
- athletics
- transportation (parking, bus schedules)
- 3G+ available is spotty in areas
- need to look at how much you really deliver on each page
- might be interesting in writing an app that consumes a feed from a uPortal instance (I am not sure what AndrewP was getting at here); nice out of the box eye candy might be valuable marketing
- need to get vendor buy in from those providing services on campus
- need to identify low hanging fruit
- while automatically directing users to the 'right' version based on user agent, they may actually want a specific version. do we specifically ask them each time? Do we store their preference?
- Need to look at making data available to others that want to make devices
- Students are expecting APIs to their academic data
- what about security on mobile devices? SSL is now supported on modern smart phones
- are their social problems that now arise with the wide spread use of mobile devices