Inspired by Apache, via Globus
A JA-SIG Incubator Project (JIP) [ AG: A project? Or a JIP committee???] [ JS: I agree JIP is awkward. Committee would be consistent with others. WG would also seem appropriate, but we haven't used that nomenclature.] Incubation Working Group (JIWG) will oversee the process through which new projects move from a Candidate Project to an accepted Incubator Incubated Project, through review, to a fully sponsored project. The JIP JIWG is responsible for * providing guidance and ensuring that
- assisting proposed projects
- in conforming to JA-SIG
- guidelines [ JS: I'd like to see "providing guidance" cut down to "assisting projects in conforming to JA-SIG guidelines" – this also implies we need definitive, published guidelines.]
- assisting a Project Mentor, a member of the community assigned to helping the Incubator Project reach acceptance
- evaluating progress of the Incubator Project on a regular (quarterly?) basis and recommending escalation to a sponsored project, continued support, or retirement---based on a set of established criteria