- Simple vs Complex?
- Simple to start
- But may need subgroups, compound groups
- Sakai needs hierarchies of authorization and navigation based on group membership structure (eg: combining personnel data with academic structures)
- Latest Grouper APIs may be able to address some of the Sakai complexity
- What type of identifiers does a group API need have as a reference?
- Opaque ID
- Username/NetID etc
- If calling group API against multiple backends, how much should the API hide/handle that for you?
- Unclear, but API handling it implies client-side libraries beyond (eg) just simple REST calls
- Biweekly calls starting 1/11 @ 4pm?
Action Items
- All: Answer Groups API Questions (and combine with meta-questions from old AIs)
- What are projects' needs over the next 3-6 months for group data management? (To help determine roadmap and immediate work)