Current version of LPPE in CAS 3.5.x contains a bug in calculating the expiration date for AD accounts that are flagged to never expire. The correct approach would be to look up the bitwise value in the userAccountControl attribute of the AD container to detect account state. This fix can be accommodated through support for retrieval of custom attributes as descrfibed above.
The bitwise flags are define defined as such:
Code Block |
private enum ActiveDirectoryUserAccountControlFlags { UAC_FLAG_ACCOUNT_DISABLED(2), UAC_FLAG_LOCKOUT(16), UAC_FLAG_PASSWD_NOTREQD(32), UAC_FLAG_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD(65536), UAC_FLAG_PASSWORD_EXPIRED(8388608); private int value; ActiveDirectoryUserAccountControlFlags(final int id) { this.value = id; } public final int getValue() { return this.value; } } |