Add the following to enable validation of an OpenID request:
Code Block |
<bean id="openIdValidateController" class="org.jasig.cas.web.ServiceValidateController"
p:failureView="casOpenIdServiceFailureView" />
Finally, in the cas-servlet.xml you'll need to add the action that we will reference in the login flow xml file:
Code Block |
<bean id="openIdSingleSignOnAction" class="org.jasig.cas.support.openid.web.flow.OpenIdSingleSignOnAction"
p:centralAuthenticationService-ref="centralAuthenticationService" />
Add the following decision and action states to your login-webflow.xml
Code Block |
<decision-state id="selectFirstAction">
<if test="${externalContext.requestParameterMap['openid.mode'] != '' && externalContext.requestParameterMap['openid.mode'] != null}"
else="ticketGrantingTicketExistsCheck" />
<action-state id="openIdSingleSignOnAction">
<action bean="openIdSingleSignOnAction" />
<transition on="success" to="sendTicketGrantingTicket" />
<transition on="error" to="ticketGrantingTicketExistsCheckviewLoginForm" />
<transition on="warn" to="warn" />
You'll want to modify your InitialFlowAction's "success" event to go to "openIdSingleSignOnAction""selectFirstAction". For example:
Code Block |
<action-state id="initialFlowSetup">
<action bean="initialFlowSetupAction" />
<transition on="success" to="selectFirstAction" />
Modify the login view
Instead of the normal NetId login field, any CAS instance that accepts OpenID credentials needs to be able to not accept a Username (as its provided by the OpenID protocol). This can be accomplished with the following snippit of code on the login JSP page:
Code Block |
<c:if test="${not empty sessionScope.openIdLocalId}">
<input type="hidden" id="username" name="username" value="${sessionScope.openIdLocalId}" />
<c:if test="${empty sessionScope.openIdLocalId}">
<input class="required" id="username" name="username" size="32" tabindex="1" accesskey="<spring:message code="screen.welcome.label.netid.accesskey" />" />