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We will pass LDAP user attributes to the client. To do so we declare an attribute repository and, since the repository is our LDAP, we tell it to use the context source defined above. Edit the baseDN as needed for your domain.

No Format
<bean id="attributeRepository"

  <property name="contextSource" ref="contextSource" />
  <property name="baseDN" value="DC=merlin,DC=com" />
  <property name="requireAllQueryAttributes" value="true" />
  <property name="ldapTemplate" ref="ldapTemplate" />

  Attribute mapping between principal (key) and LDAP (value) names
  used to perform the LDAP search.
  <property name="queryAttributeMapping">
      <entry key="username" value="sAMAccountName" />

  <property name="resultAttributeMapping">
      <!-- Mapping between LDAP attributes (key) and Principal's (value) -->
      <entry value="CN" key="cn" />
      <entry value="DN" key="distinguishedName" />
      <entry value="Groups" key="memberOf" />

<bean id="ldapTemplate" class="org.springframework.ldap.core.LdapTemplate">
  <constructor-arg ref="contextSource" />
  <property name="ignorePartialResultException" value="true" />


The authenticationManager bean has a list of credentialsToPrincipalResolvers. This adds one that will do an LDAP lookup based on the sAMAccountName entered by the user, and will define the Principal available to the client application. This uses the context source and the attribute repository defined above. Edit the searchBase as needed for your directory's structure.

No Format

  <!-- The Principal resolver form the credentials -->
  <property name="credentialsToPrincipalResolver">
    class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.UsernamePasswordCredentialsToPrincipalResolver" />

  <!-- "%u" will be replaced by the resolved Principal -->
  <property name="filter" value="(sAMAccountName=%u)" />

  <!-- The attribute used to define the new Principal ID -->
  <property name="principalAttributeName" value="sAMAccountName" />

  <property name="searchBase" value="DC=merlin,DC=com" />
  <property name="contextSource" ref="contextSource" />

  <property name="attributeRepository">
    <ref bean="attributeRepository" />


The authenticationManager bean has a list of authenticationHandlers. This adds one that, once user lookup has been completed, will authenticate the user by opening a context using the retrieved distinguished name and the entered password. This bean also uses the context source defined above. Edit the searchBase as needed for your directory's structure.

No Format
<bean class="org.jasig.cas.adaptors.ldap.BindLdapAuthenticationHandler">
  <property name="filter" value="sAMAccountName=%u" />
  <property name="searchBase" value="DC=merlin,DC=com" />
  <property name="contextSource" ref="contextSource" />
  <property name="ignorePartialResultException" value="yes" /> <!-- handle AD partial results -->


The demo's service registry is in a MySQL database accessed via the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) and Hibernate. The following beans specify the database type, enable automatic table creation and provide for connections to the database. Some of these beans will be shared by the ticket registry and referenced from the ticketRegistry.xml file. Edit the dataSource username and password properties as needed.


You must add the "tx" namespace to the top of the file!
